During the California gold rush, a story took legendary status.
The California gold rush happened at the beginning of last century.
The first Chinese to reach the United States came during the California Gold Rush of 1849.
The California Gold Rush, the construction of railroads and a growing pioneer spirit all contributed to the expansion of the "wild west."
Goldfield was a leading gold mining hub in the 1850s after the California gold rush subsided, according to Rob Feldman, a local historian.
As pundits often said in the Web 1.0 boom, it wasn't the gold miners who got rich during the California gold rush, it was the guys who sold them the shovels.
The boom rivaled the California gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere. And it brought far more wealth to the prospectors than any gold rush.
Our class was studying the Gold Rush, something all California fourth graders learned.
Which just happens to be the next California gold rush?
The value of the resources extracted, including copper, gold, silver and molybdenum, is greater than the Comstock Lode, Klondike, and California Gold Rush combined.
The discovery at Sutter's Mill set off the historic California Gold Rush of 1848 and changed the face of America.
The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
Photo: GETTY Gold prospectors in California during the Gold Rush of 1849.
图片来源:GETTY 1849年淘金热中加利福尼亚的黄金采挖人。
Photo: GETTY Gold prospectors in California during the Gold Rush of 1849.
图片来源:GETTY 1849年淘金热中加利福尼亚的黄金采挖人。