The capture efficiency is usually about 50% by ordinary design method in the electron linac for irradiation processing.
To improve efficiency, Air France USES IT to capture customer information and as a measurement tool to improve the efficiency of sales and operations.
The new enzymes increase the efficiency, by a factor of 100, of a solvent used to capture carbon dioxide. This promises to decrease the energy needed to capture and store the greenhouse gas.
And then the efficiency of the units that you're using, with which you capture the solar energy could be solar cells.
At one end of the chart were simple efficiency improvements which would both cut CO2 and save money; at the other end were costly technologies like nuclear power and carbon capture.
The screen capture in the next figure is an example of a report from Rational CLM showing elapsed time, effort, waste, and efficiency for several defects.
Under the agreement, Canada and China will work together in areas such as energy conservation and efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage and methane recovery and utilization.
The intercropping advantages, in light resource capture and utilization, were to raise PAR capture efficiency rather than its conversion efficiency.
The optimal spotting concentration was determined through comparing the effect of different capture probe concentration on its covalent fixation and on the hybridization efficiency.
A probabilistic analysis methodology to evaluate stormwater runoff capture efficiency in low elevation greenbelt is proposed, which is meaningful on the planning level.
The generator was controlled to capture maximum power from the changing wind with maximum efficiency under different load conditions.
The particle capture efficiency actually increases as the flue gas velocity through the U-beam separator decreases.
The paper introduce the performance capture principle. selection method and experimental result of capture efficiency. resistance of dust filter.
The key point for high-density ESP design consists in: (1) capture of flue-gas dust in high efficiency, and (2) effective cleaning the dust captured on the electrode.
By these technologies, it can improve the efficiency of data capture.
The letters H-E-P-A represent the words High Efficiency Particulate air. HEPA filters capture almost all particles in the air that are zero point three microns in size or larger.
The influence of briquette size on sulphur capture efficiency is studied in this paper.
So, reforming the smoke capture system and developing a high efficiency gas-collecting hood technology suitable to large-scale aluminum reduction cell become more and more particularly urgent.
So, reforming the smoke capture system and developing a high efficiency gas-collecting hood technology suitable to large-scale aluminum reduction cell become more and more particularly urgent.