A new study* by Professor Roy Batchelor and Richard Ramyar of the Cass Business School, finds no evidence that Fibonacci numbers work in American stockmarkets.
You had years to fix this stuff,” predicts Peter Hahn, a fellow of City University’s Cass Business School and an adviser to the FSA.
你本有很多时间解决这问题,”,Peter Hahn如此预测。 Peter Hahn是城市大学卡斯商学院的一名研究员兼FSA的顾问。
"My MBA gave me the confidence to start a new career and a Swiss Army knife of skills to adapt to different challenges and corporate environments," said one graduate from Cass Business School.
“我的MBA让我有信心开启全新的职业生涯,我有了瑞士军刀般的全套技能,可以适应不同挑战和企业环境,”卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的一名毕业生称。
"My MBA gave me the confidence to start a new career and a Swiss Army knife of skills to adapt to different challenges and corporate environments," said one graduate from Cass Business School.
“我的MBA让我有信心开启全新的职业生涯,我有了瑞士军刀般的全套技能,可以适应不同挑战和企业环境,”卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的一名毕业生称。