On my birthday, we played a game called "the cat and the mouse".
The cat and mouse game is over, but the challenge between man and robots will still go on.
The cat and mouse were playing the ultimate game, and they were caught by the photographer, creating a realistic version of "Tom and Jerry".
I mean the cat that catches the mouse and eats him up.
Partly, it could be that in the endless cat-and-mouse game between hackers and security teams, the hackers have jumped ahead.
The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge – giving a new slant to the game of cat and mouse.
Eventually the cat got bored and turned away, before the mouse went back into its home.
But who is the cat and who is the mouse?
Then the mouse would run away and the cat would catch it in its claws again.
There’s always a cat-and-mouse relationship between a naughty student and a strict teacher. The student always wants to skip class, while the teacher is hot on attendance.
"It was incredible, the little mouse stood up and seemed to be roaring at the cat," said Wendy Rothwell, 45, who spotted the encounter in her back garden.
Reflecting the subtle cat-and-mouse game, however, the searchers also know the line they shouldn't cross and won't go after really big targets who might attract the secret police, analysts said.
She loves the Transformers. She’s a devotee of Tom and Jerry—watching the warring cat-and-mouse duo helps her think.
她喜欢变形金刚,同时是《猫和老鼠》中汤姆和杰瑞的 “粉丝”——她认为看猫和老鼠斗智斗勇,有助于开拓自己的思维。
Suddenly, Simon shouted, "a big mouse!" and the cat quickly jumped up, but he jumped into the big bag. He wanted to get out, but he couldn't.
The police have played cat and mouse with the thief.
Apart from the cat being referred to as "Jasper" and not Tom, and the mouse not having a name, this first adventure pretty much established the Tom and Jerry format.
It is doubtful whether many kids got the impression that it was OK to act in the way the characters did in these cat and mouse chase adventures.
Is the mystery man kill the game of cat and mouse?
Little red mouse ran a small road, the cat soldiers on the chase, and little red mouse on into hiding.
It will be cat and mouse for the majority of the match.
Up jumped the cat and caught the mouse.
Suddenly, Simon shouted, "a big mouse!" and the cat quickly jumped up, but he jumped into the big bag. He want.
One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse.
It was incredible, the little mouse stood up and seemed to be roaring at the cat.
During the cat's absence the mouse cleaned the house, and put it in order but the greedy cat entirely emptied the pot of fat.
Young Jack is desperate to save the park from the hands of a greedybillionaire, setting out with his loyal cat and mouse friends to sell his prizecow for… some magic beans?
To solve this problem, to know the origin of the arising of greed, hatred and delusion, we must watch our minds, like a cat that waits for a chance to grab a mouse.
To solve this problem, to know the origin of the arising of greed, hatred and delusion, we must watch our minds, like a cat that waits for a chance to grab a mouse.