Information is the center of information industry, and the quality of information is closely related with the quality of information media.
As the center of information integration of manufacturing system, CAPP takes on the important action of information integration and of function coordination.
It was this lack of information that prompted the launch of I'm First in 2013, originally as an arm of its umbrella organization, the Center For Student Opportunity.
"More information and technology centres will be built so that basic data and big data can be improved, and technologies like 5G and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System can be used in the field," said Han Fujun, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Information Center of MARA.
“我们将建立更多的信息和技术中心,以改善基础数据和大数据,并将 5G 和北斗卫星导航系统等技术应用于该领域。”农业农村部信息中心的副总工程师韩福军说。
The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US.
Each information center includes its own search feature, which searches only through the information included within that particular information center or collection of information centers.
Soon, you'll have the makings of a task-oriented solution information center without needing information development or user experience skills.
Every Information Center contains its own integrated search tool that searches only the contents of that Information Center.
For further information regarding the configuration of WSRR that is not covered below, please refer to the WSRR information center.
Refer to the documentation for the backup database command in the information center for your version of DB2 (see the Resources section for a link).
请参阅信息中心中针对您所使用的DB 2版本的关于备份数据库命令的文档(参考资料小节中有相关链接)。
L-3 Enterprise IT Solutions (EITS) is the Information Technology Center of Excellence in L-3.
L - 3企业IT解决方案(L - 3EITS)部是L - 3公司的卓越信息技术中心。
The Health Center provides a wide range of useful information about application execution, stability, and performance.
The name of the information center is displayed in the title bar of the Web browser.
DB2 tuning is outside the scope of this article, but you can refer to DB2 tuning Tips for OLTP Applications and the Administering section of the DB2 information Center for more information.
DB 2调优超出了本文的范围,但您可以参考oltp应用程序的DB 2调优技巧和DB 2信息中心的Administering部分了解更多信息。
If you suspect a problem with WebSphere Application Server V7.0, refer to the troubleshooting section of the information center.
For more information on CLI array input chaining, see the Reduction of network flows with CLI array input chaining topic in the IBM information Center.
有关cli数组输入链接的更多信息,参见ibmInformation Center的使用cli数组输入链接减少网络流量主题。
Test the steps that will be taken by the recipient of your solution information center.
For more information on the types of events that WebSphere MQ see the topic event monitoring in the WebSphere MQ information center.
有关WebSphereMQ监视的事件类型的更多信息,请参见WebSphere MQ信息中心中的Event monitoring。
For more information about how to use FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms, see the Configure FIPS 140-2 approved data encryption section of the ClearQuest information Center.
如果您想得到关于怎样使用FIPS 140-2许可规则的更多信息,您可以查看ClearQuestInformation Center的配置FIPS 140 - 2许可的数据加密(data encryption)部分。
For complete details and syntax of the statements, refer to the Informix SQL section of the IDS Information center linked to from the Resources section of this article.
有关这些语句的完整细节和语法,请参见本文参考资料小节提供的IDSInformation center链接的InformixSQL部分。
For more information on CLI Drivers Asynchronous support, see the Asynchronous execution of CLI functions topic in the IBM information Center.
有关CLIDrivers异步支持的更多信息,参见ibmInformation Center中的cli函数的异步执行主题。
Instructions on acquiring the access code are available in the unprotected introductory section of the MQ LLM Information Center.
关于获取访问代码的操作指南在MQLLM Information Center无保护简介部分可见。
Make sure the web service samples are installed (there's a description of how to do this in the information center).
Make sure that the recipients of your information center have access to the sites to which you are linking.
See the list of supported server virtualization environments in the Information Center.
If you suspect a problem with any of the AMI's software products, refer to the troubleshooting section of that product's information center.
The formats of these files are explained in the Information Center.
Under this scenario the availability of critical configuration information for the data center automation processes will be unlikely.
Special thanks to the authors of the Geographically Distributed Development: Centralize Change and Configuration Management information center, and to the IBM Scenario Analysis lab.
What's better is to have a handful of "superstars" on a project who are well-connected and in the center of the information flow.