The charging time rely on its capacity before charging.
Of course, the talk time and the charging time will be affected.
The charging time was found to have had little effect on the parameters under study.
If used in electric vehicles, while for the car 500 miles on electricity, the charging time of only 10 minutes.
In addition, the charging time can be reduced when ane-vehicle is charged at the base station, some of which have been put into use.
For the typical high energy electron spectrum in outer radiation belt, the charging time for dielectrics is of the order of an hour.
As shown in Figure 2-9, the guard buffer significantly reduces the charging time of CSHUNT because of the open-loop gain (AGUARD), which is typically 104 to 106.
如图2 - 9所示,由于保护缓冲放大器具有典型值为104到106的开环增益,所以能够大大减少CSHUNT的充电时间。
In addition to the charging time, driving economy and environmental friendly performance, the mileage is one of the important performance indicators of electric vehicles.
This is sort of a leakage from a potential future time span to space expansion towards a lower energy state, as the storage of events in time needs additional energy, just like battery charging.
Time Based free trial -give a free trial for X days and start charging once the trial ends.
But that should change in the future as batteries' storage capacity goes up, and charging time comes down.
Over time, it plans to move to a more complex model, charging based on how users interact with the messages.
When they were scrambling amid time scarcity, they were quick to borrow time, and they were nearly oblivious to the usurious interest rates the game organizers were charging.
My goal is to provide select customers a way to view the new movie (for a limited time) until I'm ready to start charging for access (which S3 can facilitate as well).
Save up for stuff instead of charging it; by the time you have the money, you may not even want it anymore!
The Republicans have wasted no time in charging that Mr Biden undercuts his boss's message of “change”.
If, on the other hand, a lot of papers begin charging at the same time, readers might be jostled into paying.
Over the time you could start charging a small fee for new product listings.
HaloIPT's debut definitely isn't the first time I've heard of wireless car charging.
This percentage is determined by first charging the capacitor to the rated voltage for a specified time interval, then discharging it for a second time interval.
If low charging rate is desired, you should use the BREAK-IN mode. Charging in that mode is terminated by only time (1.6 times battery capacity) and temperature.
如果你想用很低的充电电流进行充电,应该使用BREAK -IN模式。此充电模式只会因为时间(1.6倍电池容量)和温度终止充电。
Fact: The best time for charging ane-vehicle is when you sleep at night.
New German battery sunshine after installed, typically for a long time of charging, charging needs to be done, as stated in the prospectus, battery charging is completed.
At the same time, the phone charging is filled with the explosion, such events are endless, and now, how to use the phone more secure has become the knowledge we must understand!
Charging towards the finish line, Bolt has his eye on the clock all the way and once again celebrates his triumph in style — this time, after he completed his run.
Therefore one kind of easy to operate, the effect good charging and discharging equipment, says regarding the accumulator cell time is essential.
The diode ACTS like a variable resistance, low when the charging current to the capacitor is high, then increasing in value as the current decreases with time.
What was different this time, however, was that, once it was reported in the South Korean media, prosecutors sprang into action, charging the man they have identified only as a 31-year-old Mr.
What was different this time, however, was that, once it was reported in the South Korean media, prosecutors sprang into action, charging the man they have identified only as a 31-year-old Mr.