His comments energized the civil rights movement in the United States and led to important laws, including the civil rights Act of 1964.
In fact, Bork had been one of two lawyers, along with William Rehnquist, to advise Barry Goldwater to vote against the Civil Rights act of 1964.
My fellow Americans: I am about to sign into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I want to take this occasion to talk to you about what thant law leans to every American.
Soon after winning the Republican nomination in Kentucky, his son Rand implied that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which desegregated the South, should not have applied to private businesses.
I think most observers, whether they are black or white or European or whatever, would say that a lot of black progress has been due to the Civil Rights Act, because of changes in DE jure segregation.
Today, we mark the 22nd anniversary of the Americans with disabilities Act (ADA) — a historic piece of civil rights legislation that affirmed Americans with disabilities are Americans first.
Her act of courage not only inspired the black community to boycott the city bus system but also launched the Civil Rights movement in America.
Lawyer's rights in civil procedure that is the very important part of lawyer's rights is the rights with which lawyer can act better in civil procedure.
Considering how to fix the basic structure ideas of the General Rules of Civil Law, there are some legislation models including Legal Relationship, Legal Act, and Civil Rights for making choices.
There are two main effect of legal act system: one is the establishment of the structure of "subject-legal cause-civil rights" in civil law;
The system of civil legal act is a basic content of the civil theory. It is the joint of three main system of the owner of rights, the rights of property and the rights of debts.
The system of civil legal act is a basic content of the civil theory. It is the joint of three main system of the owner of rights, the rights of property and the rights of debts.