And it proves that the wetting, dry density and water content have influence on the coefficient of permeability.
In this tests, the coefficient of permeability of the high air entry disk base of GDS unsaturated Triaxial testing system is also demarcated.
By orthogonal tests, the influence of three factors on the coefficient of permeability of soil-rock-mixture, the significance of different factors was determined.
The coefficient of permeability of natural intermediate soils on the northern bank of the Yangtze river delta is successfully predicted by porous materials models.
The sensitivity analysis for Poisson's ratio and coefficient of permeability has given some beneficial conclusions.
By using this model the soil-water characteristics and permeability coefficient of unsaturated soil are deduced and expressed in fractal dimension and air-entry value.
The rational formulation on coefficient of permeability is stetted up and is used for f.
The variation of seepage velocity, resistance coefficient, reservoir permeability and oil recovery in porous media of water-drive reservoir in direct current (DC) electric field are studied in detail.
Thus, when the permeability of 50% probability and the coefficient of variation for lognormal distribution are known, one can establish a definite numerical model of permeability plane distribution.
The paper studied stable seepage flow rule of overpressure reservoir and created the method for using systematic well testing data to compute permeability variation coefficient.
This paper discusses-the theory and method of deriving the single well Q-S(yield and drawdown) curve using coefficient of permeability from testing and other empirical parameters.
The main factors affecting the well yield are the transmissivity and water yield coefficient of the aquifer as well as the permeability coefficient and thickness of the leaky layer.
The probability model distributions of permeability coefficient and anti-permeability strength of sand are studied by using the seepage deformation experiments.
The analysis results also show that foundation pit tends to fail in anisotropic soil when horizontal permeability coefficient is larger than that of vertical.
If the infiltration intensity is less then the saturated permeability coefficient, the surface soil finally reaches to an unsaturated infiltration stage instead of saturated infiltration stage.
The permeability coefficient and porosity of rock are updated by volumetric strain.
The cracks growth induce the increase of permeability coefficient, ultimately the change of seepage field.
Based on the test data published for leaking steam flow rates of brush type seals, determined was the permeability coefficient of the porous medium of the bristle pack.
Furthermore, the variation laws of the pore water pressures and the permeability coefficient during the consolidation of the refuses are analysed.
Based on Biots consolidation theory, the fully coupling model of seepage and stress is established considering nonlinear coupling response of permeability coefficient.
The fact that practical loads in log transfer car were described by coefficient of permeability is not suitable because the logs were unload many times during the transfer process in log storage area.
Finally, the influence induced by variation of dynamic coefficient of permeability on soil displacement and stress under harmonic vibration load is investigated.
The turbulence coefficient and permeability is re lated with the grain size, sphericity and roughness of the proppant, and the porosity of the proppant-filling bed, and the experimental conditions.
Through the experiment we obtain the relationship between coefficient of air permeability and coefficient of water permeability.
The distribution law of pressure potential in saturated soil using two-ring infiltration method to determine the permeability coefficient was different to that using cutting ring method.
By nonlinear regression analysis the change law is found that with the increase of geostress the permeability coefficient will decrease with negative exponential trend.
The results show that the probability distribution characteristic of the vertical permeability coefficient in fissured rock zone is much close to the log-normal distribution.
Research results showed as follows: magnetic energy can make the soil specific surface reduce, permeability coefficient and fast netrogen of soil increase;
The pore water permeability coefficient of unsaturated expansive soil is controlled by suction, cell pressure, dry density and degree of saturation of soil samples.
The pore water permeability coefficient of unsaturated expansive soil is controlled by suction, cell pressure, dry density and degree of saturation of soil samples.