By using fixing resonator length, the complex permittivity calculate formulas are induced.
It's turned out that the method can be used to measure the complex permittivity of membrane materials conveniently with exact results.
The dissertation presents the principle of dielectrometry and its disturbance factors, and the methods to obtain the complex permittivity with a lumped circuit model.
The thesis presents the measurement principle and its disturbance factors, as well as the method to obtain the complex permittivity of pressboard with a lumped circuit model.
A novel in-situ measurement technique is proposed for simultaneously measuring the complex permittivity and permeability of high-loss material using a flanged open-ended coaxial probe.
The complex transcendental equation will be usually encountered in measuring material permittivity.
In a microwave chemistry experiment, to obtain the real-time complex permittivity is of great importance to understand the reaction process.
A network analyzer system is used to make frequency-swept S-parameter measurements on the loaded stripline fixture from which complex permittivity and complex permeability may be calculated.
The method of calculating effective permittivity and permeability of single and complex structure absorbent materials were given.
The radial distribution of phase and the amplitude of complex permittivity for cylinders are given with the loss tangent values retrieved statistically from the reconstructed image matrix.
The radial distribution of phase and the amplitude of complex permittivity for cylinders are given with the loss tangent values retrieved statistically from the reconstructed image matrix.