Forming a headlike mass or dense cluster as the flowers of plants in the composite family .
The chaffy scales on the receptacle of a Flower head in a plant of the composite family, as the sunFlower.
Arctium in the composite family, having pink or purplish flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts and forming a bur in fruit.
Senecio in the composite family, having yellow flower heads, especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe.
Any of several African plants in the composite family, especially those in the genera Arctotis, Gerbera, and Lonas, that have showy flower heads.
Any of several New World plants of the genus Gaillardia in the composite family, having red or yellow florets grouped into large solitary flower heads.
Achillea of the composite family, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia, having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads.
A shrub(Encelia farinosa) in the composite family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having grayish foliage and showy flower heads with yellow rays.
Any of various plants of the genus Coreopsis in the composite family, especially the North American species, having showy radiate flower heads with yellow or, rarely, purplish flowers.
Lotus Expeditor has a place in the IBM family of rich clients as a managed client for Service-Oriented Architecture, or SOA, and composite applications.
作为面向服务架构Service - Oriented Architecture,SOA和复合应用程序的托管客户机,LotusExpeditor在IBM的富客户机家族中占有一席之地。
This' family portrait, 'a composite of the Jovian system, includes the edge of Jupiter with its Great Red Spot, and Jupiter's four largest moons, known as the Galilean satellites.
Under the agreement, the companies plan to combine the carbon infusion technology of ANS with Owens Corning's reinforcements expertise to create a family of next-generation composite materials.
A characteristic that members of the Family of Light have in common with one another is their participation in many versions of sentient or composite reality.
The material family has combined the advantages of composite and alloy of aluminum and overcomes some disadvantages of them.
Environments of family, school and community have become as a whole, which objectively composite the education-impact community and play an important role in the growth of the moral in young people.
Environments of family, school and community have become as a whole, which objectively composite the education-impact community and play an important role in the growth of the moral in young people.