Hereupon people no longer the character of the contented with monotone or portrait, but hope to deliver the video on the toil.
Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented.
Hendon moved on again, mightily contented with the answer--but astounded at it too.
Mark Twain sought only ham, eggs and scenery, “a fragrant pipe and a contented heart”. He was lucky not to work for The Economist’s flinty-hearted editor.
Sometimes the day had been filled with problems and disobedience, but asleep they looked contented, secure, and peaceful, and I was reminded of how much I love them.
The girl knew as well, and she felt proud, contented. But the look on her face was cool and fastidious.
But the opportunity to work in a variety of environments, while also developing solutions to complex problems, creates truly contented workers.
Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows.
白先生和他的女儿不再在卢森堡公园出现了。 马吕斯无精打采地胡思乱想,他不敢白天去张望那扇大门,只好在晚上以仰望窗口玻璃片上带点红色的灯光来满足自己。
Lyubomirsky's working definition of happiness — "a joyful, contented life" — gets at both the feelings and judgments necessary for overall happiness.
So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing.
Then she would go away quite contented, for she knew the magic mirror could speak only the truth.
None of my companions seem to understand why I appear so contented. They grumble all the time, they have ambitions, they want to show their pride and spleen.
Whereas British car firms once contented themselves with making shoddy cars for the domestic market, Rolls-Royce has transformed itself from a British firm into a global one.
As for Rajkrishna Babu, he contented himself with admonishing me to be careful to keep the language and metre of the Witches' parts different from that of the human characters.
You therefore become self-fulfilled and contented; thus you spend even more time and energy on the activity.
Mrs Chick contented herself with a glance of reproof, and then proceeded with the thread of her discourse.
Up to that time, she had contented herself with watching him on his passage along the boulevard without ever seeking to encounter him.
He considers his contented workers the reason for his success.
Marlene, however, was as happy and contented as if her brother were still alive. And she went merrily into the house, sat down at the table, and ate.
The butter (and cream) came from a dappled and contented cow, grazing under an apple tree in his native Normandy.
Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored: then, both began searching their father's pockets for the presents he had promised them.
But I don't write about the hours of peaceful, contented existence we share.
"How contented!" sighed the artist.
Learning to do things because they are the right choice for me has been a key to leading a calm, contented life.
A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.
We raise our blood pressure, make things unpleasant for our loved ones, and miss the joy of contented living.
The second is something like: yesterday, did you feel happy/contented/angry/anxious?
The second is something like: yesterday, did you feel happy/contented/angry/anxious?