At last they reached the Continent of Asia. This was the year 1275.
Japan, is located on the eastern coast of the continent of Asia Pacific. Japan including Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, 4 major islands and more than 6800 other small islands.
A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia.
This feat gives the lie to the picture, common in America and Asia, of Europe as a washed-up continent incapable of change.
The 955 million people in Africa — the world's second most populous continent after Asia — are urbanizing more rapidly than residents of any other region.
Africa command is to handle all of the continent, except for Egypt, taking over areas now covered by the U.S. commands for Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Moreover, says Don Larson of the World Bank, farming in that continent is intrinsically harder to change than in east Asia because it is more varied.
Pakistan is affected by nationwide transmission of WPV1, and is the location of the only wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3) case in Asia in 2011 (a strain on the verge of elimination on the continent).
Australia - a huge island continent that lies to the south of Asia.
Asia, the worst-affected continent, was home to nine of the world's top 10 countries for disaster-related deaths.
"One striking feature is that most of the poor people live in South Asia - 51 percent of the 1.7 billion people that we have identified as poor are resident in that continent," says Alkire.
Asia is the largest and most populous continent containing more than 60 percent of the world's human population.
It is shown that the relative movement between the East Asian Continent and the Pacific Ocean Basin occurved, and real continental rim of East Asia produced.
Shamanism is an earliest culture circle in the world which distributed in the northern Asia - Europe continent including the northeast of China and the northern part of north Europe.
Before 1800, military superiority belonged to nomadic people living in the hinterland of Asia-European continent.
The ancient Chinese culture, having arisen and matured on the isolated continent of East Asia, belongs to the continental national culture.
The Olympic flag carries the symbol of five linked rings, which represent the five continent--- Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe.
The world's smallest continent, southeast of Asia between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
Research shows that the amount of DNA variation within a continent - Africa, Asia or Europe, for example - is far greater than the variation between continents, by about 9 to 1.
"The Orient", the "Far east" and "east Asia" are all noun phrases referring to the eastern section of the Asian continent.
Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, China's development to Central Asia and other regions, to a considerable extent, relies on Xinjiang this strategy land.
The second largest continent on earth (the largest is Asia), Africa is almost three times the size of China.
Asia, the largest continent in the world, accounts for nearly 30% of the world's land, 60% of the world's population and a quarter of the global economic weight.
Asia is the largest continent on earth, with nearly 30 percent of the world land area and about 60 percent of the world population.
More technical and personnel guidance and support should be provided to Asia to make the continent with 30% of the world's land and 60% of the total population a center of global sailing sports.
Yunnan is the place where the floras of East Asia, SE Asia and East Himalayas meet, and the only land passage between the floras of Eu-Asian Continent and the equator ;
As we enter the 21st century, we can see 3 major developments shaping the destiny of Asia and transforming the continent.
Professor John Dixon: I think cases of obesity and obesity related diabetes may not be lower in Asia, I think in the South Asian continent in China leads the world in diabetes.
Situated in the heartland of Eurasia Continent, Central Asia is a region that can exert an influence on world situation.
Situated in the heartland of Eurasia Continent, Central Asia is a region that can exert an influence on world situation.