The base contracts can contain any contract terms and conditions, but usually have the Catalog Filter term and condition that defines which products are for sale and at what price.
The killer clause seized on by the Banks maintains that the fairness or otherwise of a contract cannot depend on the "adequacy of the price" but on whether its terms are stated clearly.
For a longer contract period project, the project benefit is affected by the price factor risk bigger, mastering the terms of the contract of the pricing formula is a useful tool to evade the risk.
But a series of financial crises made it clear in credit market non-price terms of contract can also play an important role to the equilibrium of credit market as well as interest rate.
The Pricing Terms under this contract shall be abided by and no fraudulent price quotation is allowed.
In an ordinary contract. the objective of a contract might be relatively simple, indicating the description of commodity price, quantity terms of payment and etc.
Under FOB terms: the Seller shall notify the Buyer by telegraph, fax ore-mail of the contract number, grade, staple or type, packing, net weight, and price;
Under FOB terms: the Seller shall notify the Buyer by telegraph, fax ore-mail of the contract number, grade, staple or type, packing, net weight, and price;