Do you really want the cooler car instead of the safer one?
The physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy.
The slower you drag, the cooler the animation!
Keep the cooler in the coolest part of the car.
Put the jar inside a cooler, and fill the cooler with hot water.
They're far more biologically diverse than the cooler parts of the planet.
The cooler the town, the less air con used, which would reduce CO2 emissions.
The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice. The cooler, the better.
At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.
The man did not reply but went back to the cooler where he found me choking on my vomit.
Pack food right from the refrigerator into the cooler immediately before leaving Home.
Whatever the mechanism, the cooler the surface, the less energy there is to "puff up" the sun.
The earth’s tropics teem with species. They’re far more biologically diverse than the cooler parts of the planet.
If the planet is on the cooler edge of the habitable zone, it could go through cycles of freezing and thawing.
While the arris threw a warm light, the car was lit by the cooler 8-foot Kino Flo daylight fluorescent fixture.
Although this article addresses Ext JS 3.1, the recent release of Ext JS 3.2 deserves a mention for some of the cooler features.
尽管本文介绍ExtJS 3.1,最新的Ext JS 3.2中一些更酷的特性却值得一提。
An engine's heat melts the fine-ground rock, which proceeds to encrust the cooler parts of the mechanism, stopping it from working.
The younger candidate was not only the better communicator, but seemed also to possess the cooler head and safer hands for troubled times.
The cooler northerly and easterly winds blowing across the North Sea have been picking up moisture and dumping it as snow and rain on land.
Collisions between particles in the hot inner region transfer energy to particles in the cooler outer region via a process called conduction.
To make the spaghetti pop off the cooler background, they intentionally lit it with a slightly warmer light than the window light in the base image.
The south between the Tejo and the Algarve features mostly rolling plains with a climate somewhat warmer and drier than the cooler and Rainier north.
Wansink’s team has shown that putting chocolate milk in the back of the cooler, behind healthier drinks, will cause more children to pick unflavored milk.
Colds are more common in the fall and winter because the cooler, wetter weather drives people inside, and viruses can more easily jump from one person to the next.
My mother had long since retrieved the cooler from New Mexico, although she says half of its contents were missing and much of the rest went toward paying Dad's medical bills.
Bin Hammam agreed Qatar would have no problem organizing the 2022 World Cup in July. But moving the tournament to the cooler winter months would be better for the players, he said.
The researchers think the cooler night and early-morning temperatures, which would help dissipate body heat and increase oxygen availability, may be more helpful than any tailwind assist.
The researchers think the cooler night and early-morning temperatures, which would help dissipate body heat and increase oxygen availability, may be more helpful than any tailwind assist.