According to criminal lawsuit, the criminal suspect here should be confined to the one who has been taken coercive measures by the preliminary investigation.
If the case involves state secrets, the criminal suspect or victim shall be informed that his legal aid application should gain approval from investigative organs.
In case the belongings carried by the criminal suspect need to be seized when he or she is arrested, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
If the distraint need to be returned to the criminal suspect, the freezing shall be cancelled before the distraint is returned to the criminal suspect or his or her legal heirs.
In cases where a minor under the age of 18 commits a crime, the criminal suspect and the legal representative of the defendant may be notified to be present at the time of interrogation and trial.
In cases where a minor under the age of 18 commits a crime, the legal representative of the criminal suspect or the accused may be notified to be present at the time of interrogation and trial.
In criminal procedure, the criminal suspect is in a disadvantageous position and his rights are easy to be invaded by judicial body, which has great power and resources compared with the former.
If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run away, he can go free.
Hence, every forensic lab is confronted with cases where the DNA profile obtained from the evidence material does not match that of any known suspect tested, nor anybody in the criminal DNA database.
Knowing that false positives are inevitable gives a statistical perspective to that wisdom - and frees the doctor from having to interrogate the patient like a criminal suspect.
In fact we will refuse to sell to anyone whom we have reason to suspect intends to germinate and grow them as this would constitute a criminal offence in the UK.
The right of silence is that when interrogated by judicial staff in the criminal proceeding, suspect or defendant has right to keep silence and to refuse to prove his own crime by himself.
However, if an officer has reason to suspect that an onlooker is also engaged in criminal activity, the officer might be able to "frisk" the onlooker for weapons.
A criminal suspect has the obligation of bearing investigation, which should abide by the principle of appropriateness and the principle of procedural non-action.
The public security organs shall execute the decision on allowing a criminal suspect or defendant to obtain a guarantor pending trial or on subjecting him to residential surveillance.
The informing duty of investigative organs is a major topic at present, it is important for public security organs to protect and reality the basic litigious right of criminal suspect.
By analyzing the traces of saliva left in a tooth bite or on a coffee cup, lab experts could narrow the age of a criminal suspect to a five-year range.
Right investigation identification is helpful for finding investigation clues, shrinking investigation scope, clearing criminal suspicion or the cognizance of criminal suspect.
The criminal search is one of the important investigation measures for the criminal investigation unit to find out the suspect and collect the evidence of the crime.
As to a case involving any state secret, it shall be notified that any application of a criminal suspect for legal aid shall be subject to the approval of the investigative organ.
Law case has been especially middle in indoor steal, the scene has left criminal's fingerprint sometimes only, not more evidence has been able to lock a criminal suspect besides.
Article52 a criminal suspect or defendant in custody and his legal representatives or near relatives shall have the right to apply for obtaining a guarantor pending trial.
Article 52 a criminal suspect or defendant in custody and his legal representatives or near relatives shall have the right to apply for obtaining a guarantor pending trial.
Article 52 a criminal suspect or defendant in custody and his legal representatives or near relatives shall have the right to apply for obtaining a guarantor pending trial.