Why is the Critical value important?
The critical value is stimulus intensity corresponding to the critical point.
In this study, the obtained Chi Square value was larger then the Critical value.
When the period is more than the critical value, the periodic solution loses its stability.
The critical value of drought is obtained by using the drought diagnosis criterion offered by r.
The Critical value is based upon the significance level (or alpha-cutoff level) set for the analysis.
临界值建立在为该分析设置的某一重要级别(即 alpha 断开级别)之上。
Just to confirm this conclusion, you can compare the obtained Chi Square value to the Critical value.
The distance between the index value and the critical value of0 indicates the margin of voltage stability.
If there is nested feature between two models, refer to the critical value Table established by McCracken (2007).
One of criteria for coker drum invalidation is whether the loin-drum deformation has exceeded the critical value.
Based upon AIC rule, the critical value of F-test has been developed, the order of model simply determined by it.
The critical value of moisture change for initial cracking is presented, which is consistent with measured result.
Then the possible position of facture may be predicted by analyzing the distribution and change of the critical value.
Also there is recognition of the critical value of organizational flexibility and agility in response to market changes.
Since the surface of glass have many micro-crack, when the thermal stress reach the critical value, thermal breakage occur.
Mean while, if the stress level is higher than the critical value, marine soft soil shows mechanical property of normally consolidated soil.
Vector diagnostic method is more comprehensive than the critical value method and the DRIS method on the diagnose of bamboo nutrient requirement.
The simulation result shows that the dynamic pressure amplitude was amplified obviously when the temperature gradient was above the critical value.
Based on parameters studies, it was proposed that the critical value of lid is 8 beyond which the shear deformation can be ignored in common cases.
The vertical dashed line is the critical value of intensity below which Guyodo and Valet (1999) consider several directional excursions to have occurred.
Results indicate that the evaluation of the critical value for the occurrence of thermal explosion of ammonium nitrate solution by this method is rational.
The research on the critical value of oxygen content in combustible gases is limited to the single gas mixture and the influence factors are less mentioned.
In short, media criticism is a research which base on the critical value standpoint in the media activities, media products and the concept of communication.
On the other hand, when the bottom reflectivity is near the critical value, the variation of the turbidity has little effect on the thermal performance of the pond.
His statement that knowing oneself and one's enemy ensures victory while not knowing about either ensures defeat expresses the critical value he placed on information.
Furthermore, utilizing the Lagrange method of multipliers and the implicit theorem to work out the critical value which makes one of those inequality locally inverted.
The critical value of hot crack has been obtained according to the experiments on test casting, and it had been used on predicting the hot crack of bolster and side bearer.
Further more, the effect of optical limiting is very good and the critical value is very low, so it's a new optical limiting material with great potential application value.
Further more, the effect of optical limiting is very good and the critical value is very low, so it's a new optical limiting material with great potential application value.