Indeed, in 1781, the philosopher, Immanuel Kant, wrote a monumental, and very obscure work, the Critique of Pure Reason.
But, it was worth the wait, the book was the "Critique of Pure Reason" perhaps the most important work in all of modern philosophy.
In Critique of Pure Reason, The relation of pure intuition to pure category is complicatedly addressed, dispersing among Transcendental Aesthetic, Transcendental Analytic and Analytic Principles.
The third issue involves the consistency of the term "incentive" in Kant's major works, such as Critique of Pure Reason, Groundworkand Moral Metaphysics.
The theory of transcendental aesthetic of critique of pure reason is the "real origin and key" of Kants Philosophy and an entrance that walks into the hall of Kants Philosophy.
The metaphysical exposition of time in the book of Critique of pure reason tells us that time is the apriori form of intuition;
"Critique of Pure Reason" that produces Kant's metaphysics of knowledge discovers the real source of truth successfully.
"Critique of Pure Reason" that produces Kant's metaphysics of knowledge discovers the real source of truth successfully.