Even if Jackson did grab a syringe and misuse propofol, is Murray culpable for leaving him alone with access to the drug?
“Presunto Culpable” (“Presumed Guilty”), a documentary about the conviction of a young man, Antonio Zúñiga, for a murder he did not commit, was released last month to modest success.
“PresuntoCulpable”(“假定有罪”)上个月发行并取得了适度的成功,这是一部关于未参与谋杀的年轻人Antonio Zúñiga的定罪的纪录片。
‘Insurance is obviously a big issue. Who is culpable if the machine goes wrong?’
Now he is viewed as one of those most culpable for the crisis.
One is to cushion the blow to families and communities, even if some are culpable.
As a side benefit, American tofu eaters also tend to be less culpable for soy's role in deforestation in the Amazon.
But Madoff's scheme has a host of culpable look-alikes and one has only to begin with the mortgage market to understand the similarities.
The driver was arrested for culpable homicide and drunk driving, police told CNN.
Why should the fact that you can get away with cheating mean that you are not culpable?
The car's driver has been arrested and police said they were investigating charges of culpable homicide, our correspondent adds.
None of this necessarily means that Gap is a bad company, or culpable in the Saipan case. But it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions.
The judge found the man culpable.
They held him culpable for the offence.
Recent, well-publicized accounting scandals have shown that the penalties outsiders impose on those found culpable of earnings management can be severe.
最近,广为宣传的会计丑闻表明,处罚外人强加给那些受到谴责盈利 管理可能是严重的。
Recent, well-publicized accounting scandals have shown that the penalties outsiders impose on those found culpable of earnings management can be severe.
最近,广为宣传的会计丑闻表明,处罚外人强加给那些受到谴责盈利 管理可能是严重的。