Since the goal of school in industrialization times with pursuit of quantity and efficiency, the cultural intension of school has become weak.
The text is to expose the cultural intension of Pipa to give a restricted view on natural characters of Chinese folk music by description of Pipa and its musical characters.
Finally, make typology observation of Angle to main folktale in "Sou-Shen-Chi", Probe into the cultural intension of their alien marriage type story and subsiding type story emphatically.
At the Angle of human cultural science, this paper analyses the cultural intension of the three characters Yang Laosan, Yao Guodong and Wan Zhaohua, from the figures and characters of thought.
Bestseller not only has the outstanding outer characteristics, but also has the reason that is the original content with high quality, style of aesthetics and cultural intension.
The product has no competitive strength in lack of aesthetic consciousness or cultural intension especially in the current society which material is very rich and merchandise is very abundant.
The appearance of Aunt Cai in the figure of a poor peasant, with abundant cultural intension paves a new way for Chinese modern novels in pursuit of poeticness in novels.
The intension of quality education is the unification of ideological morals quality, cultural quality, professional quality, fitness and psychological quality.
When more and more people begin to pursue one kind of cultural or intension, the brand time has already arrived quietly in front of us.
In order to construct and develop the cultural philosophy of Marxism, it is necessary for us to analyze Marx's original cultural philosophy so as to widen its visual Angle, and enrich its intension.
They show forth in ones writing too in abundant cultural intension of nationality in the course of showing nationalitys unique historical process to reader.
The long history of philological discipline has accumulated profound cultural intension. As a cultural carrier, the philology bears the mission to continue national cultural quintessence.
This text expounds the fact contingency factor to influence that pottery art creation, and aesthetic value and cultural intension that it have.
The character of the civil code is that the inherent key value pursuing in civil code, it possesses the characteristics of era and deep cultural intension of law.
Art, as an appreciation form with vision entails the intension of the different cultural spiritual history of China and the West.
Stream Porcelain tiles merge art, classical, fashion, individualized and graded advantage, especially include the unique design idea and deep cultural intension.
Stream Porcelain tiles merge art, classical, fashion, individualized and graded advantage, especially include the unique design idea and deep cultural intension.