If we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.
The writer process (es) lines up to access the data structure, and is held back until the semaphore is made available.
The data to back up the value-for-money claim are sparse.
During that five minutes, the instruments on LCROSS gathered data on the plume of debris thrown up by the booster's impact and transmitted them hastily back to Earth.
But, then again, I think that's something I probably still have in common with the younger generation, something I don't need Hitwise data to back up: the love of a good old-fashioned beer.
不过既使如此我有一件事仍然与这些年轻的一代相同,是我不需从Hit wise的资料也能知道的事:那就是对老式啤酒的喜爱。
After you set TRACKMOD to YES, you must back up the database before allowing applications to change data.
You have data -- gathered from the successful project itself -- to back up your claims that the process (and your wisdom in selecting it!) is responsible for this success.
This is the age of research, so there's data to back this up.
The reason I want to point this out to you is, if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.
You should try to use the fastest disc you have for this kind of data and also regularly back up and delete the entries in this table.
Of course if you can back up your personal feelings with supporting data then so much the better.
If the application does go down and come back up, it can be blissfully ignorant of what it was doing before the failure, since the middleware and databases guarantee data integrity.
Does the cloud back up your data?
It's not a good idea to back up data and records and to run applications in the same building — or even in a different building in close proximity on the same site.
The system can also back up certain types of data to the Internet, ensuring that it won't be lost even if something happens to your PC.
A whole class of programs - ORMs - has sprouted up to ease the pain of moving data back and forth between databases and your code.
Shut the database down and back up all data and all log and control files.
While most major Japanese and international corporations operating in Japan have data back-up facilities, the majority of individuals probably do not.
Back up the managed systems partition profile data.
Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.
Some people prefer to back up the filesystem that contains the queue manager configuration, while others prefer to back up the meta-data about the configuration.
In this situation, you can back up the management server data to another live system, which you can bring online manually to take over management if necessary.
Failing to back up the IBM NAS data for those business solutions that are highly dependent on or tightly integrated with IBM NAS may pose a high business risk.
对于那些高度依赖于IBMNAS或与IBM NAS紧密集成的业务解决方案,不备份ibm NAS数据可能会导致巨大的业务风险。
But from what I've seen, there's no real data to back up the concerns about harm.
The defenders of the consensus tend to stress the general consilience of their efforts-the way that data, theory and modelling back each other up.
It is a charge that bankers vehemently reject and the data largely back them up.
This mode is simple and easy though it comes with a cost; data will be lost since the last back up (you have been warned!)
How about being able to take data from any of your enterprise databases, file or enterprise systems and make it available offline for users to modify and sync back up to the enterprise.
The data is also transferred to the owner's computer and stored in a file there each time the two devices are connected to carry out a back-up or synchronisation.
这些数据也会转移到用户的电脑上,并储存在文件中。 当移动设施和电脑连接时,它们变会完成备份或者进行信息同步。
The data is also transferred to the owner's computer and stored in a file there each time the two devices are connected to carry out a back-up or synchronisation.
这些数据也会转移到用户的电脑上,并储存在文件中。 当移动设施和电脑连接时,它们变会完成备份或者进行信息同步。