In the last decade there has been an explosion of knowledge about the social brain and how the brain works when groups coordinate decision making.
As you might guess, just one decade of the brain was not enough to solve all of the problems that plague the lump atop our spinal cord.
Some are predicting that the first wave of results will arrive within the decade, propelled by rapid advances in both brain science and computer science.
In the past decade especially, advanced technologies for capturing a snapshot of the brain in action have confirmed that discrete functions occur in specific locations.
But there's been some good news in the past decade: Scientists have discovered that in certain areas of the aging brain, new cells are born and grow throughout through life.
In this context it is no surprise that a decade of brain imaging has shown the same neuronal circuits to be involved in many disorders.
The incidence of brain tumours was not increasing, even though mobiles were introduced 20 years ago and have been popular for a decade, the committee found.
At the end of adolescence, however, the brain shuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life.
The decade-long study, released in May of 2010, tracked the cell phone use and incidence of brain tumors of about 13, 000 people over 13 countries.
Hundreds of studies that have appeared in just the past decade collectively suggest that the brain isn't so different from, say, the arm: it doesn't simply break on its own.
That's partially because George Bush declared the '90s the "Decade of the Brain, " and money flooded into neuroscience.
Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade, "warns Henry Lai, Ph. D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle."
Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade, "warns Henry Lai, Ph. D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle."