This was the decisive moment of a decisive battle!
Resist the temptation to shoot too much or too soon, or you may miss the decisive moment.
In the same piece of writing, Eggleston cites Henri Cartier-Bresson's book, the Decisive Moment, as an influence.
The decisive moment came after eight hours of prayer at St Joseph's Convent of Perpetual Adoration in Quezon City, the former capital of the Philippines.
The "decisive moment" comes to him whenever he spots a beautiful stiletto, a gorgeous jacket or anything he deems fashionable.
Eagle eyes are fierce and sharp, aimed at the target, at a critical moment decisive attack, "the hand on hand" to capture the food shot.
I was made to understand that the peak they were now climbing toward represented a decisive, "watershed" moment, when they would make a decision that would affect their futures in a serious way.
The goals of the national team player are not only decisive, but they are also timely and they arrive at the right moment, when the need is be, when there is no other solution.
As photographers capture every moment, whether it is decisive or not, in balance, they always hope that the instant will be the eternal, or at least a sort of witness to the history.
It is true that the "decisive moment 'approach, in less disciplined hands, can degenerate into haphazard, unselective snap shooting."
This monumental swell of support for the environment has been four years in the making. And it's all building towards one decisive moment in history - the Copenhagen climate summit.
这些年里这个活动受到了极其广泛的支持,也促成了现在这个历史上的决定性时刻- - -哥本哈根的气候高峰会。
He quietly stalked his subjects—Balinese dancers, Mongolian wrestlers, New York bankers—until that "decisive moment" when the right composition filled the frame.
The international break has definitely served Milan well, seeing that there is a decisive moment ahead.
It's an important moment for Milan, both in the league, where we want to win a certain position, as well as in the Champions league, where now the decisive games arrive.
Today we have reached a very decisive moment again, this conference is like "a meeting of clouds and wind", it gives everyone the opportunity for in-depth exchange.
Barack Obama and John McCain were fighting to achieve a decisive advantage today on the Wall Street meltdown, a critical campaign moment that could determine the outcome of the White House election.
Barack Obama and John McCain were fighting to achieve a decisive advantage today on the Wall Street meltdown, a critical campaign moment that could determine the outcome of the White House election.