It is the direct inference of the second-best theory of the modern incentive mechanism design theory.
Therefore, it has become an importance task cried for resolving how to consider the new knowledge economy environment to research and design the new incentive and restraining mechanism of management.
The thesis studies how should the regulation sector of water industry design incentive mechanism in order to maximize social welfare under information asymmetry.
One of the main contributions of this dissertation is the systematized framework of the incentive mechanism design theory.
Our results show that job design can utilize the intrinsic incentive effect of job effectively, improve the employee' s effort and optimize the incentive mechanism of payment under given conditions.
Through introducing the theory and the methods of incentive mechanism design from the point of view of the minimum of the funds risk a credit-risk decision model for banks is established.
The design and implement thought of FP design institute is proposed, which is according to the existing problems on incentive mechanism.
Actually, efficiency loss in the bancassurance system is mainly caused by the phenomenon of "excessive incentives but insufficient constraints" in incentive mechanism design.
There are two focal problems in the design of the salary incentive mechanism: pay levels and pay gap.
The theory of incentive regulation is the outcome of the incorporation of the principal-agent theory and mechanism design theory and information economics into regulatory economics.
The theory of incentive regulation is the outcome of the incorporation of the principal-agent theory and mechanism design theory and information economics into regulatory economics.