But Colombia's desire to play up the deterrent effect of the agreement has backfired.
Eventually, six people were arrested, but no one was hurt, thanks largely to the deterrent effect of the large police presence.
The chance that innocent folk may be executed counts for more, with many, than the deterrent effect of capital punishment (itself questioned by academic studies).
In the rational examination on the deterrent effect of death penalty, the focus is whether or not death penalty has marginal deterrent effect in comparison with life imprisonment.
Criminologists have long recognized that sanction justice influences the citizen's compliance with the sanction, the deterrent effect of sanction and the authority of criminal justice system.
The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect.
The certainty of punishment has the clearest deterrent effect, which is problematic for speed enforcement because it relies on an uncertain police presence.
Management of the move obviously have had a deterrent effect.
Repealing commentators argue that the long-term inflict is more deterrent than the death penalty and is better able to achieve general preventive effect.
Lighting because of the thieves have deterrent effect, while a burglar deterrent function.
The utility model has the advantages that the discharge effect is best, the deterrent force is strong, the use reliability is good, and the operation is very convenient;
本实用新型优 点是具有更大的放电效果与威慑力、使用可靠性好、操作十分方便;
The legs of my cot sat in four cigarette tins filled with kerosene, which did discourage crawling insects, though it seemed to have little deterrent effect on the high-jumping fleas.
The legs of my cot sat in four cigarette tins filled with kerosene, which did discourage crawling insects, though it seemed to have little deterrent effect on the high-jumping fleas.