And just outside the developed area, there would usually be an open area of some sort for grazing animals and also group activities.
Cuihua Mountain can be divided into two areas, the Landslide area and the Developed area.
Like Mesor... Except for some water, the developed area, want to rely on human to transport.
In western medium market interior, also has the relatively developed area and owes the developed area.
The survival competition of newspapers in the less developed western region is becoming increasingly fierce as the one in the developed area.
After China joins WTO, the enterprises in his west hill face the challenges from the enterprises at the developed area and the cross nation ones as well.
But, comparing to the developed area such as Guangdong and Shanghai, Jiangsu falls behind them in the field of the NGOB, though it has considerable scale and corresponding status nationally.
By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing.
Local entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants, bars and discotheques in the area.
It helps, of course, if your degrees can act as confirmation of the skills you're trying to sell, but clearly if you have developed a verifiable skill in a hot area, you'll find work.
The arch was used by the early cultures of the Mediterranean area chiefly for underground drains, but it was the Romans who first developed and used the arch extensively in aboveground structures.
Our car having developed engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area.
University of Montreal scientists say in autistic people, the brain area that deal with as visual information are highly developed.
The technical framework, known as the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), is being developed by Banks and clearing houses.The legal framework meanwhile is being built around another EU directive.
Some destinations are tuned into the needs of the slow traveller and have developed their area to maximise slow aspects.
It suggests that the brains of autistic people are organised differently from those of other people; the area at the back of the brain, which processes visual information, is more highly developed.
One major area transformation work is the building of transformations to MathML from TeX, the mathematical typesetting system developed by Donald Knuth.
一项主要领域的转换工作是建立从mathml到tex的转换,TeX是Donald Knuth开发的数学排版系统。
Again, I've lived my whole life in 3 New Jersey, where the area is pretty much all developed.
The limitations are partially due to a lack of interest in this area because of changes in the way web services are developed.
P. J. Fouche a professional hunter who manages a hunting concession in a game-management area outside the park said that Mark Owens developed a proprietary feeling about the park's wildlife.
After some time, a new idea was developed to counter that problem: move all executable code to an area of memory called the "ASCII armor" region.
The first case was a 29 years-old male from Fayoum Governorate Wadi Elrian area who developed symptoms on 1 April , was hospitalized on 4 April and died on 7 April.
The H5N1 positive case was a 25 year old male from the Peshawar area who developed febrile respiratory illness on 21 November, was hospitalized on 23 November, and died on 28 November.
From the 1980s a zealous Jewish group developed a study centre and synagogue, even though the surrounding area was run by the Palestinians.
Nearby, a famous park area known as the Boeung Kak lake is also to be developed, threatening the eviction of 4,500 residents. Many have been living around the lake for 20 years.
Labs will give users an early peek at new features being developed for the Netvibes platform, along with the widget wishlist: an area to make widget Suggestions and vote on the best ideas.
The bees will be re-introduced in June 2010 into an area of Dungeness and Romney Marsh in Kent which has been specially developed to provide the bees with the right plants and flowers.
The bees will be re-introduced in June 2010 into an area of Dungeness and Romney Marsh in Kent which has been specially developed to provide the bees with the right plants and flowers.