Sometimes, the elliptic curve problem is also included into the discrete logarithm problem.
To solve the above weakness, based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem, a secure improved scheme was proposed.
The scheme's security is based on the computing difficulty of solving the Factorization Problem and the Discrete Logarithm Problem.
The proposed threshold proxy signature schemes have been based on the discrete logarithm problem, and there are few RSA-based schemes.
Smart card is integrated into authenticated encryption scheme, a new cryptographic scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem is presented.
A new proxy signature scheme is proposed. The security is based on factoring representation problem, so it is not based on the discrete logarithm problem cryptosystem.
A new group signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem is presented. The scheme is more efficient than the previously known schemes with the same security properties.
A new designated verifier blind signature scheme with message recovery based on the discrete logarithm problem is proposed, and its security and efficiency are analyzed and discussed in details.
Applying our partially restrictive blind signature protocol, the thesis proposes an efficient off-line e-cash system based on discrete logarithm and representation problem.
Both of their security are based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
These two schemes resolved the problem of key renewal and key reuse of key and resolved participant cheating by a simple discrete logarithm function.
This paper describes the mathematics base of algebraic geometry and ECC. It also discusses the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) and the security applications of ECC on E-commerce.
The classical discrete logarithm problem in finite prime fields can be solved in an expected time which is subexponential in the group size via the socalled index calculus method.
The safety of this scheme is based on the intractable problem of solving Discrete Logarithm.
Proxy signature systems have great applications in e-business whose secure-ty is based on the difficulty of integer factoring or the difficulty of solving the common discrete logarithm problem.
The hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem is based on the hyperelliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, and has the higher safety and the shorter operands compared to other cryptosystems.
Based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, Ji and Li proposed a proxy signature scheme and a proxy multi-signature scheme and Chen et al. proposed two proxy multi-signature schemes.
Under the condition of a discrete logarithm problem, S2 is decrypted by the OPE (Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial (scheme 2).
Absrtact: The present representative digital signature approaches are based on discrete logarithm problem and large number factor decomposition.
Here we give a simpler implement, which encrypts the sensitive data at each level with a key unique to that level, whose security is based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
Here we give a simpler implement, which encrypts the sensitive data at each level with a key unique to that level, whose security is based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.