We also see the Dominican Republic.
I send everything that is possible to send to my poor family in the Dominican Republic.
And in the Dominican Republic, Tzi Chi honors exemplary students at the la Romana Tzu Chi School.
He took a trip to the Dominican Republic and found a cigar he enjoyed so much that he bought 100 of them.
So we need to start work on an emergency supply chain, either from Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, or from Miami.
Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.
Of the 18 countries for which there are data, only in the Dominican Republic (DR) and (especially) Guatemala did inequality widen between 2002 and 2008;
In the Dominican Republic, as in many countries, the educational system is not responding to the needs of employers and the labor market, Vermehren says.
Places that now fly them, or are expected to do so, include Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco and Venezuela.
Take, for example, the above photo of Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Crowded with lots of chairs and lots of people, it's anything but deserted.
That is a shocking number, far worse than the performance of countries like Canada or the Dominican Republic whose economies have similarly close links to the United States.
Recently, one of these interest-free loans allowed Edith to treat her son Sammy to something he'd never experienced before: a vacation at a resort in the Dominican Republic.
Kely Bastien, the President of the Senate, survived the quake but was trapped in the destroyed parliament building for a day before being evacuated to the Dominican Republic.
The Dominican Republic has banned cutting down trees for charcoal and subsidized propane as a substitute, and the contrast can be seen in satellite photographs of the border.
For instance, there's evidence that work-related training and internships help teenagers from poor families in the Dominican Republic get higher-paying and better-quality jobs.
The figures are flattered, too, by high growth in three countries recovering from earlier economic collapses: Argentina (see article), Venezuela and the Dominican Republic.
Just behind came Poland, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Argentina - with Latin countries, speaking either Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese, holding eight of the top 10 places.
That had been a year ago in the Dominican Republic when she'd been on a photo assignment for Elle and he'd been taking a day off from a project he'd been working on in nearby Haiti.
For instance, produce from the Dominican Republic was stopped 817 times last year, usually for containing traces of illegal pesticides. Candy from Denmark was impounded 520 times.
Since his grandfather is a native of the Dominican Republic, Ariza said Milwaukee's Charlie Villanueva and Sacramento's Francisco Garcia have been lobbying for him to join the team.
Mr Rangel, who represents Harlem, is ensnared in a number of ethics investigations, including into his use of four Manhattan apartments and income from his villa in the Dominican Republic.
If you asked those people where they are from, they would probably say: The Dominican Republic, China, Jamaica, Guyana, Mexico, Ecuador, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia or Russia.
This week, Xstrata, another big mining firm, suspended operations at a nickel mine in the Dominican Republic while converting its power supply to run on coal, rather than-more expensive-oil.
Costa Rica is the greenest and happiest country on the planet, according to the rankings developed by think tank the New Economics Foundation, followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.
Mr Rangel owns a beach house in the Dominican Republic, but allegedly neglected to pay taxes on $75,000 of the rental income from it. He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York.
Mr Rangel owns a beach house in the Dominican Republic, but allegedly neglected to pay taxes on $75,000 of the rental income from it. He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York.