The depth of the drilled hole can be simply plotted according to the thread's depth.
Thanks to the soft sleeve material, anchorage is achieved by the flow of sleeve material into the surface roughness of the drilled hole.
The errors are mainly produced by the plastic deformation around the drilled hole, which may be reduced by the method introduced in this paper.
In the case of the method according to the invention, in a first method step (21) an actual wall thickness of the component is measured at the location at which the drilled hole is to be introduced.
Last month the Washington University surgeons drilled a small burr hole, about the diameter of a pencil, into the patient's skull.
The skulls had a hole drilled into the forehead.
In 1987, a team from the National Geographic Society drilled a hole through one of the limestone blocks sealing the chamber from above, and inserted a video camera.
In his rage, he smashed the sea strainers with a hammer and drilled the hole to sink the vessel," the affidavit said.
The iPhone and the iPad have effectively drilled a hole that will allow ephemeralization to flow into a lot of new areas.
A small hole drilled in the filter intake just below water level will prevent accidental syphoning.
Many grooves are cut using the parting tool and then a hole is drilled down the middle from each end.
Spring is coming. A short winter squirrels happily come in tree holes drilled hole in the woods somersault jump up.
The moving "Y" has a 5 mm hole drilled through it, through which runs the carbon fibre reinforced epoxy connecting rod.
移动的“Y ”有5毫米钻孔通过它,通过它运行碳纤维增强环氧树脂连杆。
Fortunately, not far from the front of a kindergarten. Rati went from a small hole in the fence squeak slipped about kindergarten drilled in former times.
It is clear when examining the garment that each jade piece has been polished and every hole carefully drilled.
A hole is drilled in the center and it is bolted to a mandrel so that the rest of the machining operations can be performed.
An oblique hole through the glass pipette holder above the lateral hole for cell seal suction is drilled, through which a microcatheter o.
A drill jig is a device for ensuring that a hole to be drilled, tapped, or reamed in a workpiece will be machined in the proper place.
They drilled a deep hole in the earth's crust.
When a high level isotropic stress field is disturbed by a drilled hole, a relation of relieved strain vs. residual stress is derived by the basic equations of elastoplastic theory.
The thieves drilled a hole in the iron box.
I first drilled the center hole in both plates in order to index them together.
When the hole has been successfully drilled, two identical pieces should exist.
The continuous strain data of drilled hole has accumulated for 14 years in Xinjiang.
Rescue workers have drilled the first hole into a West Virginia coal mine where an explosion Monday killed 25 people, but heard no signs of life from the four miners still missing.
A long square or hexagonal steel bar with a hole drilled through the middle for a fluid path.
In addition, there is usually a small amount of extra hole drilled to allow for junk, hole fill-in and other conditions that may reduce the effective depth of the well prior to running logging tools.
The construction of drilled hole with shaft wall protection by drilling mud belongs to the concealed work, the pile quality influences directly the superstructure security and the building subsidence.
This sandstone lens was also encountered in Ying 67 hole, which was newly drilled on the longitudinal axis of the sandstone lens.
This sandstone lens was also encountered in Ying 67 hole, which was newly drilled on the longitudinal axis of the sandstone lens.