In addition, the site features a trademark search engine, business resources, corporate services, Web site hosting, E-mail services, and more.
此外,这个站点还拥有商标搜索引擎,商业资源,社团服务,提供网站空间,e - mail服务等多项内容。
The true potential of Web services lies in utilizing them to conduct e-business dialogues between business peers.
The most significant change in e-business caused by Web services is that it makes business dialogue somewhat technology agnostic.
The RosettaNet Web site contains case studies that prove the benefits of implementing business activities as e-business processes.
In this article, I have discussed the true potential of Web services as a widespread use of low cost e-business dialogues to conduct real business.
Then, using the tools available on the IBM patterns for e-business Web site, we can match the requirements to the appropriate patterns.
In Europe, Virgin Atlantic observed that media sites were driving more traffic to corporate web sites and wanted a part of the action, says Allison Wightman, head of the airline’s e-business.
在欧洲,大西洋维珍航空(Virgin Atlantic)观察到,社会媒体网站正在给公司网站带来更多的访问量,而且这些用户更想成为企业活动的一部分,维珍电子商务负责人AllisonWightman说。
Visit the IBM patterns for e-business Web site for a wealth of information and details on the patterns reviewed here.
The patterns for e-business are a set of reusable assets that can help expedite the process of developing Web-based applications, including those that leverage web services.
电子商务模式是一组可重用的资产,它能有助于加快基于Web 的应用程序(包括那些利用Web服务的应用程序)的开发过程。
Building on the vision of Dynamic e-business, this article explores the value proposition Web Service technologies offers to business entities in a variety of market segments.
In previous articles (see Resources), I have discussed the vision of Dynamic e-business, the web services technology stack, and potential business models for fee-based web services.
My purpose with this article was to provide a cohesive overview of the technical landscape, commonly referred to in the industry as web services, and to add some clarity to dynamic e-business.
In this article, we use many different patterns, all of which you can find on the IBM Web site IBM patterns for e-business.
As I stated before, to create a real-world Web service, I need to create the ability to conduct an e-business dialogue.
This is the second article in a series that demonstrates the true potential of Web services by creating an e-business dialogue that can be used to conduct real business.
The articles show how you can use these IBM tools and technologies to create Web services-based solutions for e-business on demand. The series will cover the following topics.
The use of digital signatures improves both the quality of data in UDDI and provides users with the trust and protection needed for Web services used in e-business and other applications.
Having extracted the messages I want to use in the e-business dialogue, my first step is to translate these messages into Web service operations.
The bus goes beyond other web services frameworks to offer an enhanced environment for conducting dynamic e-business with web services.
To conduct an e-business dialogue using the WSDL and BPEL combination, the partners must have a Web services framework implemented.
For the Dynamic e-business vision to be achieved a critical mass of reusable web services must first be reached.
The Web service I am constructing in this article is based on RosettaNet PIP3A4, an e-business process that allows partners to place purchase orders.
In this article, we explore the IBM patterns for e-business, and see how they relate specifically to web services.
The IBM Patterns for e-business lead architects have reviewed the impact of web services and have documented their findings (PDF).
IBM believes that Web services are a key building block for the next generation of e-business, e-business on demand.
IBM确信Web服务是下一代电子商务——随需应变电子商务(e -businesson demand)的关键构件。
As I stated earlier, we cannot realize the true potential of Web services unless we use this technology to create e-business dialogues.
Now that I have covered a lot of important issues like e-business dialogues, RosettaNet, BPEL4WS, and digital representations, it is time to start building the RosettaNet-based Web service.
Unlike the current Web services design, a Web service for conducting e-business dialogues cannot be designed for one partner alone.
The partners can reuse existing Web services for this e-business dialogue, and create new Web services where necessary.
To enable the e-business Web site, we.