But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them.
Insist Aoyama do not relax, rooted in the broken rock, known grinding 000-1000 tough, Seoul, East and West Wind. [Banqiao].
咬定青山不放松,植根于破碎的岩石,称磨000- 1000艰难,汉城,东部和西部的风。【板】。
Insist Aoyama do not relax, rooted in the broken rock, known grinding 000-1000 tough, Seoul, East and West Wind. [Banqiao].
咬定青山不放松,植根于破碎的岩石,称磨000- 1000艰难,汉城,东部和西部的风。【板】。