The Germans believed the ECB could be their Bundesbank writ large.
When the economy was in most danger, the ECB could have cut rates more quickly.
If this creates moral hazard, countries helped by the ECB could be placed under an official reform programme.
However, the devil is always in the details and such measures by the ECB could come with severe consequences.
In today's recessionary world, the ECB could buy several trillion euros-worth of bonds without unleashing inflation.
One concern is that by playing up the fight against recession, the ECB could appear to have lost sight of inflation.
Second, the ECB could induce commercial banks to seek a swift agreement by refusing to accept “old” bonds as collateral.
Not even the ECB could wrap its arms around that one - yet alone wrap its arms around all the other PIIGS nations at the same time.
Investors fear that the ECB could be biting off way more than it can chew by initiating this second round of bond buying, leading to a false sense of security.
The ECB could insist that collateral is backed by income streams in euros, which would curb Banks from using its funds to finance loans made outside the euro area.
By propping up the region's weaker Banks and buying its more indebted economies' sovereign debt, the ECB could engineer a back-door bail-out of the euro zone's periphery.
When accepting collateral, the ECB could also restrict or ban the use of some securities that seem to have been created primarily to take advantage of central-bank funding.
They could do this directly, or the ECB could provide liquidity to Banks or buy up government bonds before they fall too far. It has indicated it may start doing the latter again.
Lastly, to counter potential inflationary consequences, the ECB could be given discretion regarding distribution of seignorage dividends resulting from issue of currency and bank reserves.
Conceivably, the ECB could act despite Bundesbank opposition, but in practice it is difficult to see how the central bank could sustain a credible intervention without the Germans on board.
Such a demand by the ECB could exert even more stress on the weakest banks the ECB is trying to protect, however, raising questions as to whether it would take such a step in an extreme case.
The ECB still has scope to boost demand: if it doesn’t use it, it could lose it.
He "could this time explicitly mention the 'rate cut option' when repeating his' no bias' message, to suggest that the likely next ECB move is down," Moec said.
So attractive, perhaps, that some wonder whether its rise could clobber Europe's exports, slow its economy and persuade the ECB not to raise rates after all.
One senior European official involved in the talks, however, said ECB objections could be overcome if the rescheduling was structured properly.
Banks could rediscount the bills with the ECB but they would not do so as long as they earned more on the bills than on the cash.
That judgment is too kind to the ECB, which could afford to have scruples about the medium term because other central Banks were taking more care of the present.
In our example above, the European Central Bank (ECB), upon hearing the Fed's announcement, could make a similar pledge to debase the euro.
But to unleash the ECB or to embrace eurobonds could precipitate a domestic crisis that would be almost as catastrophic.
Thatwould be more complicated because the regime imposed by the ECB would leave no room for fiscal stimulus and the debt problem could not be resolved without growth.
That, he said, could kick-start bank lending and bolster bank balance sheets once the ECB withdraws the programs it has deployed to keep the financial sector afloat.
To ECB-watchers this unremarkable phrase is as close to a commitment as they could ask for: Mr Trichet has spoken of “vigilance” before every one of the past year's rate increases.
To ECB-watchers this unremarkable phrase is as close to a commitment as they could ask for: Mr Trichet has spoken of “vigilance” before every one of the past year's rate increases. And Mr.
To ECB-watchers this unremarkable phrase is as close to a commitment as they could ask for: Mr Trichet has spoken of “vigilance” before every one of the past year's rate increases. And Mr.