While in criminal procedural law, system of default-judgment is absent, which obeys the idea of economic lawsuit and goes against realization of justice.
Researchers have always ignored the procedural problem of economic law. The theory of procedural justice is a new approach to Chinese economic law studies.
In order to safeguard the state economic interests and social economic order and in order to the correct implementation of the economic substantive law, we need the procedural law suited to it.
If economic dismissal is used, the employing unit must conform to both substantive and procedural conditions stipulated in Article 41 of Labor Contract Law.
According to the report of Economic Times on January 16th, "Anti-price-fixing provisions" and "anti-price monopoly law enforcement procedural requirements" will be implemented on February 1, 2011.
According to the report of Economic Times on January 16th, "Anti-price-fixing provisions" and "anti-price monopoly law enforcement procedural requirements" will be implemented on February 1, 2011.