Has China been the emerging market area?
And regarding a smarter web, an example is the emerging market for Semantic Apps.
Rising inflation is a key factor driving the emerging market currencies and precious metals.
First, the structural strength in the global economy resides in the emerging market economies.
South Korea appears to be on the vanguard of the emerging market economies in this regard.
It captured the emerging market for mobile phones and built the industry's most powerful brand.
On the other hand, the raise of 7.4 percent in 2008 build-up the best performer in all the emerging market.
Apple may want to push into the emerging market segment where customers want to switch to low to mid-end smart phones from high-end feature phones.
The fact that some international investors may be new to the emerging market corporate sector could also amplify the volatility of such a potential sell-off.
Compared with the emerging market countries, the scale of China's external debt is fairly reasonable in terms of GDP and foreign exchange reserves right now.
As he built market momentum behind the technology, Dr Metcalfe recognised the business opportunity presented by the emerging market for Ethernet-compatible products.
I can't imagine anything since the invention of the spinning Jenny that will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market.
spinning jenny \ n被发明后,它对新兴市场中最偏远的农村人的生活会有如此巨大的改变。
A vast backlog of bonds that need to be refinanced over the next year has built up in the emerging market economies, raising the threat of defaults and company closures.
It did not.As he built market momentum behind the technology, Dr Metcalfe recognised the business opportunity presented by the emerging market for Ethernet-compatible products.
The aim of this essay is to assess the impacts of globalisation on the emerging market economies in a double edged-sword, whether it is an opportunity or a threat for their growth.
The latest data from the Bank for International Settlements shows that Western European banks hold almost all the exposure to the emerging market bubble, now busting with spectacular effect.
Introducing skill and management talents, adopting high efficiency management mode and information, developing new product and exploring the emerging market are the best strategies to face challenge.
What's the biggest emerging market of them all?
The performance of emerging-market equities has also been instructive.
The big emerging-market banks should therefore view their rise with a mixture of pride and nervousness.
But if the strength of emerging-market Banks today is impressive, the task they face is also huge.
The G20, created after the emerging-market crises a decade ago, is not perfect for today’s problems.
What about the emerging-market Banks' capital positions?
Big and getting even bigger, well run and well regulated: the emerging-market Banks seem to have a lot going for them.
The other emerging market is the world of online education, which is one of the great democratizing stories of recent years.
The other emerging market is the world of online education, which is one of the great democratizing stories of recent years.