The picture shows the engineering contract and annual labor service cooperation between China and Asian ries 1983 to 2007.
Abstract: Based on the engineering contract risk analysis, elaborates the three principles of project contract risk allocation.
In the meantime, variation and claim, the major changes in the engineering contract, is the key to availing maximum interest for the project.
In recent years, the engineering contract business of China Metallurgical coke-resistant develops rapidly, and gradually forms a design as the main body to EPC-based operating structure.
Wipers were a safety item, Shipman explained, and the law required disclosure of all the engineering before Ford could give Kearns a contract.
The eight-year contract includes training and instruction, site management, engineering support, and operation and maintenance for the aircrew training devices.
The Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center awarded the contract.
Under this one base-year, one option-year contract, STG will assist in the engineering, implementation, and quality assurance of engineering projects managed by USAISEC-FDED.
The initial contract for the engineering and manufacturing development phase includes design, development, integration and testing of the Flight Management System Suite (FMSS) for the AWACS aircraft.
Raytheon, which also is the ship electronics systems integrator for the program, won a prime contract in 2005 to provide life-cycle engineering and support for the LPD 17.
Under the contract, CACI will furnish engineering, technical assistance and management support services to support NSWC's Airborne Electro-Optic Systems Branch, DOD said Dec. 17.
Mirax signed a construction contract in Beijing on Monday with the Chinese Engineering construction Corporation. The work is expected to take two years.
Under a four-year, $9 million contract with the Naval Sea Logistics Center, Stanley will provide program, acquisition, systems engineering and logistics management services, company officials said.
Under its Strategic Services Sourcing prime contract, ManTech will provide software engineering services to the Army Communications-Electronics Command Software Engineering Center’s Guardrail systems.
Under the contract, SAIC will support its mission by engineering and developing software and providing systems engineering and field support.
Under the contract, SAIC will furnish program management, engineering, logistics and financial management services.
The contract includes systems engineering studies focusing on potential pod installation on the B-52H aircraft, as the designated demonstration airframe.
该合同包括集中于B - 52h飞机的潜在安装的系统工程研究,B - 52h作为指定的示范机身。
Under the contract, TASC will provide the systems engineering and technical assistance to the Army Special Programs Office, according to a company statement today.
The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contract, except the designs to be performed by the Buyer.
To stop the "black case work", the unit joining into the construction signed the Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquarters.
Commencing in August 2008, the Thales Australia contract involves maintenance, engineering, supply and operational support.
The promoter of civil engineering works normally determines the conditions of contract.
Not only can contract claim enhance the ability of contractors to manage international engineering, but also can bring considerable financial benefit.
PR's are raised during the Production engineering/breakdown phase of a contract by Drawing office and/or Production Engineering personnel.
In this paper author introduces the application of this article in road bidding, construction management, engineering schedule, engineering quality, engineering cost and contract management.
By contract risk evaluation, risk disposal ability evaluation and risk strategy cost calculation, proposes the contract risk allocation model based on engineering dynastic operation.
The contract is the core of the project management, engineering project is in the process of the highest code of conduct of the project, and is the basis of dispute solution.
LPKF executes the contract services professionally in accordance with the established rules of good practice in engineering and warrants that these do not present any defects.
LPKF executes the contract services professionally in accordance with the established rules of good practice in engineering and warrants that these do not present any defects.