When Adam Blake's father was laid off, everything changed. Blake was only in high school at the time and had never really thought about being an entrepreneur.
But he is also an entrepreneur, and the jewelry business he and his wife built over the years was worth enough, by the time they sold it in 2007, to allow the Hardys to set up the Green School.
The entrepreneur assured the investor that he would be better situated to make the business a success after the two years of school.
If you have never taken the initiative to create something from scratch (and even if that something is just a new club at school) you are probably not well suited to being an entrepreneur.
Among the partygoers was the home's owner, an entrepreneur and graduate of Stanford Business School who lives and works in Southeast Asia.
Said differently, Harvard Business School was great, but I firmly believe that it was my time in the Army that best prepared me to take risks as an entrepreneur.
"The man who constructed the school is now an entrepreneur who has employees, so we are helping the community help themselves," said Worm.
Skills of an entrepreneur can be learned through school training or social practice while the cultural background of a society cannot be shaped or exceeded in a short time.
Skills of an entrepreneur can be learned through school training or social practice while the cultural background of a society cannot be shaped or exceeded in a short time.