Time has winnowed out certain of the essays as superior.
These cavils aside, most of the essays are very good indeed.
The essays in this collection are composed entirely in this vein.
All the essays are good except John's.
He asked the woman to look over the essays written for her.
Following is the list the essays and their respective authors.
"That's nothing," she says, of the essays. "That was just on the side."
So many of the essays show that there is beauty in what we ordinary programmers do.
When I learnt some new knowledge from the books or the essays, I had a satisfy feeling.
Then you may ask, My Li and Mr. Wang are able to write the essays, why don't they do it in China?
I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the daily trifles in the campus.
says he is appalled that some candidates go so far as having someone else write the essays for them.
Reading. The essays, articles, posts, books and other works of the great experts can be really inspiring.
Many of the essays in "Italy Today" describe situations that tend to support Graziano's gloomier analysis.
Analysis: now that you have a good knowledge base, start analyzing the arguments of the essays you're reading.
Sharing notes in an exam hall, or collaborating on some of the essays and homework assignments, was strictly forbidden.
However, all of the essays share the aim of giving the reader a sense of how this remarkable film offers more than the standard Hollywood fare.
So now, years after the essays were written, we can correlate language abilities from 50 or 60 years ago with level of disease at the end of life.
Burton says that using the essays as part of an application would be fraudulent and that he discourages it, but both men concede it's a possibility.
The closest things I’ve been able to find to Life Reports of this sort are the essays some colleges ask their alumni to write for their 25th and 50th reunions.
Without a fundamental understanding of the laws of supply and demand and the significance of market integration, none of the essays in Part 1 could have been written.
The essays are not about writing good code, but about designing elegant solutions to problems and expressing those solutions beautifully in the medium of program code.
Despite the many insights and contributions contained in the essays that follow, we believe, however, that the real lessons of this volume are not the substantive ones.
In an overview chapter at the beginning of the collection, editors Indermit Gill, Yukon Huang and Homi Kharas of the World Bank suggest that four themes permeate the essays.
As the essays move chronologically — they were written over a period of time — as the essays that were written near Lolita come into the book, that word appears, also, describing various things.
In a statement, Columbia declined to comment on Reynolds' statements but noted that the essays-whoever writes them-are just one part of the big picture that admissions committees are considering.
Those schools usually require essays of their own, but the longest essay, 500 words maximum, is generally attached to the Common Application.
Those schools usually require essays of their own, but the longest essay, 500 words maximum, is generally attached to the Common Application.