"We can look at and learn from Steve Jobs what the essence of American innovation is," says John Kao, an innovation consultant to corporations and governments.
In essence, says Dr. Walter Willett ofthe Harvard School of Public Health, sedentary lifestyles and acornucopia of food have transformed people into the equivalent ofcorn-fed cattle confined in pens.
"This is the essence of our discovery: we used localized modes not just to trap light but to enhance interaction between light and matter," Lodahl says.
We had sacrificed our happiness and our health," he says. "In chasing money, we had forgotten the basic essence of life."
Mr Singh says that “the essence of risk management is to think the unthinkable.”
Bill Venners: in your book, Refactoring you say, "the code says everything once and only once, which is the essence of good design."
But in a complex environment, Do it right the first time is a recipe for failure. In essence, it says.
He says it, see the essence through the phenomena, China surrounding all problems, all can see there are American manipulating has been invisible hand.
But, says from the essence, the livelihood of the people news also merely is the field one kind of theory terminology, is one kind of temporary theory summary.
But even so, he says, the animal's life is to be treated with reverence, and the blood which is the life essence must be poured out on the ground, returned to God, not consumed.
"It's a beverage that captures the essence of fall, " says Peter Dukes, who led the PSL's development as a Starbucks product manager.
Perlstein says that this mind-set stayed with Nixon ("a serial collector of resentments") throughout his life and was the essence of his worldview.
Perlstein says that this mind-set stayed with Nixon ("a serial collector of resentments") throughout his life and was the essence of his worldview.