Now the essential element is a happy atmosphere.
Oak moss is the essential element of the chypres.
Germicidal MMS is the essential element - let it kill the germs.
Li Kuixian hold that lyricism is the essential element of poetry.
To realize the purpose, one of the essential element is the employees.
The essential element is possession, and that possession must be lawful.
Data elements are the essential element for displaying values from data sources.
The essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency.
This is called "revealed preference, " and it is the essential element in Match’s algorithmic process.
Design storm hyetograph is the essential element for hydrologic modeling analysis and storm water drainage design.
This article holds that the East Asian model is the essential element that has given rise to the economic growth in East Asia.
Modern management views man as not only the essential element and means of the productivity but as the goal of the management itself.
But the real news is that FogBugz has since evolved into a complete project management system, of which issue tracking is the essential element.
This tone evokes the smell of forests and undergrowth. Oak moss is the essential element of the chypres. It gives substance, warmth and richness to fragrances.
From microorganism's composition, growth and reproduction and so on it is elaborated that the nitrogen was the essential element to microorganism vital activity.
As we all know who is the essential element of the ecosystem in a statement to the media in constant motion, not the water cycle there is no biological way of cycling.
Mitochondria is the essential element for a cell, in which generates energy. The normal functions of a mitochondria are controlled by both mitochondrial genome and nuclear genome.
Along with telecommunication market competition intensifying, service has already become the essential element when the telecommunication operators participate in the market competition.
City walking environment is the essential element of city image and city landscape, and the significant carrier of street culture, embodying the rich connotation of the city culture in it.
Today, Storage Box is used more frequently and its quality, design and display have been changing the style of interior decoration, making it become the essential element of interior decoration.
The most essential element of any jobsearch is an up-to-date resume.
Code signing is the next essential element in J2ME's application security policy.
A third essential element of effective communication is keeping the conversation focused on facts and ideas.
If you consider the information in question to be part of the essential material that is being expressed or communicated in the XML, put it in an element.
The human body treats it like potassium, an essential element, and it can penetrate soft tissue and muscle to give off whole-body radiation, he said.
The authors of BusinessThink 7 concur, suggesting that curiosity is an essential element of finding the right solution to a problem.
BusinessThink 7的作者也认为,好奇心是找到正确的问题的解决方法的基本元素。
The authors of BusinessThink 7 concur, suggesting that curiosity is an essential element of finding the right solution to a problem.
BusinessThink 7的作者也认为,好奇心是找到正确的问题的解决方法的基本元素。