And why, in over 100 years of the existence of the Fields Medal, maths 'Nobel Prize, have none of the winners have ever been a woman?
The age limit is intended to guarantee that not only past work is rewarded. The Fields Medal is also intended to encourage the winners to make further contributions.
On August 22nd the International Congress of Mathematicians awarded Dr Perelman its highest honour, the Fields medal, for his solution which, having stood for three years, is now taken as correct.
8月22日的国际数学家大会(the InternationalCongressof Mathematicians)上,授予了佩雷尔曼博士最高荣誉——菲尔兹奖(the Fields medal),以表彰他对解决庞加莱猜想做出的贡献。 时过三年以后,佩雷尔曼对庞加莱猜想的证明已被证实了正确性。
WHEN Ngo Bao Chau won a Fields Medal, the mathematics version of a Nobel prize, it made headline news in his native Vietnam.
WHEN Ngo Bao Chau won a Fields Medal, the mathematics version of a Nobel prize, it made headline news in his native Vietnam.