Travellers with plenty of cash to spare can consider spending a night with the starfish at the shining Poseidon Undersea Resort in the Fiji islands.
Not far from New Caledonia we can find another heart-shaped land mass: the island of Tavarua, in the Fiji islands.
Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels a blue-eyed crab nestles in antler coral off Namenalala island in the Fiji Islands.
Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands.
Most of these were in the United States, but some of them were in Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and even as far as the Fiji Islands.
In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber.
Since I learned to dive here on the Yasawa Islands, Fiji has a special place in my heart.
And as late as the 19th century, skull-cups were reportedly used in Fiji and other islands in Oceania.
The Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu could also all be at risk.
Until he does, and unless the Fiji problem is resolved some other way, it is unlikely that the Pacific Islands Forum will be able to achieve much else.
Pearls are customarily farmed in French Polynesia, although Fiji and the Cook Islands are now in on the act, charging less for their pearls than Tahiti - with its lofty prices - does.
Other members of the iguana family include the Fiji Island banded iguana, the desert iguana, and the Galápagos Islands marine iguana.
Other members of the iguana family include the Fiji Island banded iguana, the desert iguana, and the Galapagos Islands Marine iguana.
Fiji: an island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands.
By the end of this month, around 70 wealthy Chinese assembled by Lin will head out to Fiji, Tuvalu and Tahiti to purchase islands in a group tour.
The Independent State of Samoa is part of the Samoan Islands archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean just north east of Fiji.
Fiji contains many different islands. If you're looking for the best values, you should consider the Yasawa islands, which has 12 islands and many reasonable resorts.
A country in the southwest Pacific Ocean east of Fiji comprising about150 islands, some36 of which are inhabited.
Its closest neighbours to the north are the Pacific islands of New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.
Soaring rates of obesity in the Pacific Islands, nations in the South Pacific Ocean east of Australia and Fiji, have shot to the top of the worldwide obesity scale.
Soaring rates of obesity in the Pacific Islands, nations in the South Pacific Ocean east of Australia and Fiji, have shot to the top of the worldwide obesity scale.