The final aim is to be survival and kill more enemies in limited time.
The final aim of UIA is to create a human habitation for a better living.
The final aim of the two concepts of Laozi's Tao and Virtue is thought to be salvation.
The final aim of the future industry design is to design more products with "inner beauty".
The final aim of nanotechnology is to fabricate specified functional products onthe nanometer scale.
The final aim of international logistics park inner and exterior systematism is to optimize the resource collocation.
But the final aim of the bee is not exhausted by one or another, or a third aim, which the human intellect is capable of discovering.
The Nothing which the Buddhists make the universal principle, as well as the final aim and goal of everything, is the same abstraction.
The higher the human intellect rises in the discovery of such aims, the more obvious it becomes that the final aim is beyond its reach.
In the far future, establish union currency is the final aim of East Asia currency cooperation by thought of region currency cooperation.
The final aim of a symbol is not merely regarded as a mark, but is to understand and communicate contents in it through expressing marks.
The final aim of technical innovation is to bring the research findings into the market and to accept its test until it makes success and achieve benefits.
For this reason, present education must be adjusted and improved to construct a new kind of idea and system with taking creative thinking as the final aim.
Yun is the highest level of beauty. That "beauty" defined in western aesthetics is not enough to appraise Chinese ideal art, in which Yun is the final aim.
The second one is the astringency, that is no matter what kinds of the methods, the final aim is to realize an insurance bill and a maximization of their income;
Objective values is the social ideal and the final aim, which the criminal action dedicates to achieve, in details, it is a value configuration of freedom and order.
Reformation is required by the social actuality, creating painting of up-to-date characteristic and realistic spirit is the final aim for artist to imitate classical art.
The final aim of zero oral statement rules is to contain the action of extorting a confession by torture, however, fight to silence is not the only way to achieve this aim.
The final aim of urban cadastral survey is to establish a standard database management system, which can unified managing and investigating the field investigation data and ownership.
As we all know, the final aim of fur animal farming is to obtain high quality skins; good standards of production and slaughter are the key links to obtaining skins with high quality.
The final aim of this essay is to keep a lookout on the manifestation of the whitewashing statement and to explore different audit tactics directed against all forms of profit controlling.
The final aim of English teaching is to develop the students 'communication ability, but the cultural difference is an important element which influences the students' communication ability.
Aim to have your final paper ready a day or two before the deadline.
We will be avoiding using mksecldap because our final aim is to configure the AIX clients with the TDS proxy server and not the TDS RDBM back end.
不使用mksecldap是因为,我们的最终目标是用TDS代理服务器配置AIX客户机,而不是使用 TDSRDBM 后端。
John Arne Riise has emphasised the need for an early goal at Anfield on Tuesday when Liverpool aim to overturn a one goal deficit in the Champions League semi-final second leg against Chelsea.
The paper's final aim is to design a DSO with powerful signal processing ability, which can compete with other foreign products in market.
The paper's final aim is to design a DSO with powerful signal processing ability, which can compete with other foreign products in market.