Attending church prayer services in the morning is the first step of many celebrators on Thanksgiving Day.
It goes well beyond 2012, and as you are learning you are about to take the first step of many that will take you back into the higher dimensions.
Choosing the right standards at the start of the SOA lifecycle is an important first step and one that is still overlooked by many practitioners today, with resultant problems.
Placing the user interface controls of a specific screen inside a tag is the first step in separating the many screens an application can have.
In many ways, the most challenging aspect of an SOA initiative can be the first step: getting all the stakeholders on board to work together in the initial Plan phase.
People get caught up in looking for the immediate benefit to themselves in many situations and don't initiate that generous first step of offering their own help or service first.
At present, we have accomplished the first step, making of TV programs. We have signed contracts with many TV media and published a set of products that go with the TV programs.
Many observers see this as the first step towards an eventual cap on the number of spaces available in private hospitals to mainland mothers-to-be.
Many others, however, think that if there are any content issues at Wikisource, the community should first at least try to resolve these before taking the drastic step of disbanding a wiki.
The current 2.0 release is the first step to the feature set of Hibernate 3.2.6, many classes have been completely rewritten and lots of features have been added.
Testing it for the first time in patients is very important and exciting, and represents a huge step towards establishing gene therapy for the treatment of many different eye conditions.
There are many kinds of books. But choosing a good book is the first step.
Many people think, after the installation of ventilation pipe, the task is almost over, but do not know this idea is not desirable, this is just the first step.
The first difficult step forward of Chinese modern literature was not only out of historical inevitability, but also closely relative to many incidental factors.
Combustion initiation of the rotary kiln is the first step for the firing system entering to the production state, it is very important and there are many skills.
Although many programming languages and many different types of computers exist, the important first step is the need to have the solution. Without an algorithm there can be no program.
Although many programming languages and many different types of computers exist, the important first step is the need to have the solution. Without an algorithm there can be no program.