The flying fish shortcut isn't available to all particles.
One type is a 10-man boat that is used during the flying fish season.
After the fish slowed its run. he washed his cut hands in sea water and ate one of the flying fish.
Then he leaned over the side and washed the flying fish in the water, noting the speed of the water against his hand.
This, the researchers believe, is caused by the surface of the water smoothing out a vortex of air coming off the flying fish and reducing drag.
As he watched the bird dipped again slanting his wings for the dive and then swinging them wildly and ineffectually as he followed the flying fish.
Under the stars and with the night colder all the time he ate half of one of the dolphin fillets and one of the flying fish, gutted and with its head cut off.
These days, however, many chefs substitute the crab roe with Japanese flying fish roe or tobiko.
But sometimes a shark breaches the surface when it feels another shark underneath it. They [move] like a flying fish and end up several metres away.
The scientists caught a number of darkedged-wing flying fish and had them stuffed with their wings fixed in different flying positions.
At night, flying-fish often landed on the deck.
Flying Fish There are about 50 different species of flying fish, although they don’t fly so much as they leap from the water with a push of their powerful pectoral fins.
Then, if neutrinos can break free of the brane, they might get from one point on it to another by dashing through the bulk, like a flying fish taking a shortcut between the waves.
The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below.
Flying fish There are about 50 different species of flying fish, although they don't fly so much as they leap from the water with a push of their powerful pectoral fins.
Occasionally, flying fish broke the surface of the water, gliding along the waves.
Flying fish can whip their tails back and forth with tremendous speed to propel themselves out of the water.
A similar thing, called ground effect, can happen when an aircraft gets very close to the ground. Flying fish, it seems, use this effect to their advantage as they skim across the sea.
I watched for fifteen minutes. The shouts, cheers, and laughing continued—mixed with flying fish.
The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below.
The sun down soon, and I still intoxicated with the illusion of being in the ocean. Passing the time until a flying fish, I found my mother in me.
He is very famous now, people call him the new flying fish in Asia.
Sea blue sky and white clouds, snow capped mountains to embrace the sea, reached a "fish swimming in the cloud, birds flying in water" wonders.
Sea blue sky and white clouds, snow capped mountains to embrace the sea, reached a "fish swimming in the cloud, birds flying in water" wonders.