Figure 15: Object model after applying the Flyweight pattern.
But, fundamentally, reuse via design patterns is fine-grained: one solution (the Flyweight pattern, for example) is orthogonal to another (the Memento pattern).
But... applying the Flyweight [GoF] pattern raises a new challenge for our designer.
但是……应用flyweight [g oF]模式给设计者带来了新的挑战。
For example, according to the pattern catalog, the State pattern is often related to Flyweight and Singleton [GoF].
例如,通过模式目录,State模式经常涉及到Flyweight和Singleton [g oF]。
For example, according to the pattern catalog, the State pattern is often related to Flyweight and Singleton [GoF].
例如,通过模式目录,State模式经常涉及到Flyweight和Singleton [g oF]。