In the gladiator pits of Rattatak, however, raw strength is sometimes not enough.
It is a long time, you remember the day, since you looked at me at the Luxembourg, near the Gladiator.
Instead of a long dress, you need a mini-skirt or a pair of cuffed shorts to match with the gladiator shoes.
Although the gladiator theory is currently regarded as the most likely, their unusual burial still raises many questions.
Thus the gladiator pits of Rattatak came to be, and many sprang up in what rare patches of neutral lands could be found on the craggy world.
The day Asajj Ventress chose to enter the gladiator pit to prove herself a worthy disciple of Count Dooku, Giant Flog was the warrior that stood to the last to face her.
So instead of giving the Gladiator his undivided attention, Jack had slipped away to eavesdrop on a conversation that was in progress at one of the forward command posts.
He had abandoned their accustomed place and had adopted the bench by the Gladiator, near the other end of the walk, as though with the object of seeing whether Marius would pursue them thither.
The nearest Roman town was st Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.
The dress is eye-popping enoughon its own but paired with those blingin’ gladiator sandals, it’s safe to say no one had more sparkle on the red carpet than Connelly!
她的这套服装是刚刚在伸展台上展出的巴尔曼时装。 仅这件礼服就已经非常抢眼了,更何况她又搭配了那双闪亮的角斗士凉鞋,说红毯没有人比康奈利更闪耀丝毫不为过!
"And the Oscar goes to..." Gladiator Russel Crowe, an cast clean up the Oscars.
She probably won’t be racin any chariots13 in these Balenciaga gladiator sandals but the pop star likes them so much.
He stands out among contemporary rhymesters - magazine rhymesters - as a gladiator stands out in the midst of a band of eunuchs.
I'm not condoning the use of a phone as a weapon, of course, but long-distance relationships can be tough enough to make even the calmest person edgy, much less a hard-rocking gladiator with a temper.
Sergio: The movie GLADIATOR was excellent. Ridley Scott directed and Russell Crowe starred.
The scar between Joaquin Phoenix’s lip and nose is obvious. It practically had second billing in Gladiator.
The scar between Joaquin Phoenix's lip and nose is obvious.It practically had second billing in Gladiator.
Although Ridley Scott came quite close with Gladiator, it's been 50 years since the original Spartacus and I'm surprised it hasn't been remade.
The tickets for “Gladiator” have been sold out.
Confined to the hippy weekend wardrobes, however, and as an alternative to the oft-repeated gladiator sandal, clogs, say two cult shoe designers, have an important place.
不过,两位热衷于此的鞋类设计师表示,虽然仅是衣橱中周末嬉皮风格服装组合的一部分,以及泛滥成灾的罗马凉鞋的替代 品,厚底木屐有其重要地位。
P. S I hope the Roman Gladiator joins us coz I want him to be a part of us and celebrate with us in joys that lie ahead! ! !
For example, after Oliver Reed died during filming of the 2000 movie Gladiator the studio had to re-write his character's part and use existing footage of Reed to "act out" his character's demise.
比如2000年上映的《角斗士》,奥利弗·里德(Oliver Reed)在拍摄期间去世,电影公司只好重写他的角色部分,利用里德已经拍过的镜头“表演”他的角色的死亡。
The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man.
That is the true gladiator feeling.
If all of the decisions were that easy, we would all be walking around with Gladiator titles.
If all of the decisions were that easy, we would all be walking around with Gladiator titles.