Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.
In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.
Watch as they discuss the glass ceiling.
The glass ceiling has been cracked but it is not broken.
The third part puts aside "the glass ceiling" policy choice.
第三部分移开“玻璃天花板” 的政策选择。
The glass ceiling is a limit that you can't see and can't get past.
If we're not making enough money we can blame it on the glass ceiling.
He found that "companies that smash the glass ceiling also enjoy higher profits."
The glass ceiling in Japan is known as the bamboo ceiling, and is even harder to break.
At work, I do not believe in the glass ceiling for women, and do not see myself as weaker than men.
Which reduce career acceleration and thus the amount of force available to crack the glass ceiling.
A new research shows that there is a glass floor that inhibits1 social mobility2 as much as the glass ceiling.
Those barriers include the glass ceiling and the maternal wall, which tends to mommy track people with family duties.
The glass ceiling is even more marked in universities, where only 11% of professors and 36% of lecturers are women.
But now that the glass ceiling has been broken in high-tech industries, the sky may be the limit for female executives.
The Bank of America survey found that 54 percent of women small business owners did not feel affected by the glass ceiling.
She got a job at a local bank. She hit the glass ceiling, and watched men she once trained promoted up the ladder ahead of her.
Louisa:You can' t imagine how frustrated I am. I always thought my dedication to work would be rewarded accordingly until I hit the glass ceiling.
Women traditionally would leave the workplace after getting married, but finally women are pushing the glass ceiling and staying in the work place.
“From my observation, the glass ceiling is still a reality,” said Dr Geneviève Berger, who recently stepped down from the board of Unilever to take an executive post.
刚刚离开联合利华(Unilever)董事会并担任另一份高管职位的吉娜维夫•伯杰博士(Dr Geneviève Berger)认为:“从我的观察来看,玻璃天花板的存在仍是现实。”
It's also a mini power station: Over a band of clear glazing, building integrated photovoltaic cells (BIPVs), which glimmer like a jeweled honeycomb, are embedded in the glass ceiling.
This proposition, which we term the increasing-disadvantage model, is a core element of the popular glass ceiling metaphor.
For example, even though women have been flooding into the Labour market in growing Numbers in the past few decades, the "glass ceiling" that stops them getting to the top mostly remains in place.
I think that in order to break through any kind of glass ceiling, or simply to get through the day, you have to become impervious to the daily gruffness that's a part of any job.
Or they are confronted with a glass ceiling that keeps them from the most senior positions.
GLASS, from ceiling to floor, covers two sides of Mayhem Manor. An overhanging roof shades the Windows from direct sunlight.
GLASS, from ceiling to floor, covers two sides of Mayhem Manor. An overhanging roof shades the Windows from direct sunlight.