You did an excellent job explaining the good points of smartphones, but you didn't talk about their bad points at all.
Praising the good points of others is itself a good point.
Many of the good points really apply for both lady and man in dancing.
Look at the good points of being single, without trying to pretend its all rosy.
Talk about the good points and bad points of keeping pets in an apartment, and fill in the table.
The proverb means that we should acknowledge the good points of even those we dislike or disapprove of.
As a team, we have to put the obvious disappointments of Canada behind us and reflect on the good points, of which there were many.
All points were arranged according to the fitness value in each iterative step of the algorithm, and the good points and the bad points were made pairs respectively.
The paper introduced the methods of building model on animal model of vascular dementia in recent years, and analysed the good points and bad points of these methods.
The blending of different cultures has been greatly promoting the development of human culture, thus providing a rare chance for us to absorb and blend the good points of foreign cultures.
The new mulberry varieties bred by The Sericultural Research Institute of Shandong, which originated from the endemic mulberry varieties of Shandong, inherit the good points of the parent.
Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them.
In her book Good Habits, Bad Habits, she points out that repeatedly checking the phones is one of the bad habits.
The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card," which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.
In order to apply the use case points method to the estimation of software effort estimation, it is important to have a good idea of its basic constituents.
To avoid this we should remember your good points, and turn the pain you bring into strength.
The subsystem has its good and bad points.
It will depend on the density of your points (see a few words on density), but a good recommendation is to start off with the simple range approach and then move up to the tier approach if need be.
Researchers are eager to develop brain-controlled machines, but Cerf points out that the particular neurons in this study wouldn’t be good directors for such a device.
I use the database a lot because I'm not good at rememebering the code points for some uncommon characters I use in XML files, such as special bullet points and international symbols.
To score good points a man needs to respond the same way a woman would, by giving details.
Spurling points out that, although Buck's most famous novel, the Good Earth, is still in print, the author is' virtually forgotten.
It's a moral stance, it points out the difference between a good and a bad deal.
The amount of cash will be calculated on a number of points allocated for each good deed.
As the SCANS report points out, good listening skills will prepare children to eventually succeed in the workforce.
If the code inadvertently kicks out valid data points, then we may fail a perfectly good drug — or accept a bad one.
If the code inadvertently kicks out valid data points, then we may fail a perfectly good drug — or accept a bad one.