Good governance is not SOA governance but rather the embedding of SOA governance into existing and perhaps enhanced governance processes.
Understanding the nature and purpose of software-related governance is a first step toward achieving good governance.
At first glance the concept of governance and Agile seem to be incompatible, however most Agilists would agree that just enough governance might do more good than bad for the Agile project.
这样看管治这概念和敏捷开发互不相容,但是大多敏捷开发使用者认为足够的管治对敏捷项目好处多于坏 处。
Development governance is the application of governance to development organizations and the business processes they use to conduct development programs. Good development governance implies.
Mr Bebchuk and his colleagues argue that the disappearance of the good-governance premium during the past decade is actually a sign that investors have woken up to the importance of governance.
Section I of the paper examines the concepts of governance and good governance.
In this context, governance and good governance theory become the forefront of international academic theory.
Traditional "uppermost stockholder" governance mode begins to face the challenge and "Relevant Persons" Corporate governance gradually receives good graces.
Traditional "uppermost stockholder" governance mode begins to face the challenge and "Relevant Persons" Corporate governance gradually receives good graces.