"Do not err, " he said to the Grand Vizier. "Though she is your daughter, her head must be cut off in the morning. "
"Do you know, my daughter, what that means?" he asked, "Though you are the daughter of the Grand Vizier, that will not save your life."
So the Grand Vizier went to the Sultan and told him that his own daughter begged for the honor of being the Sultan's wife for one night.
He stayed with Pestage on Imperial Center for a time, though the former Grand Vizier was growing increasingly paranoid, and openly revealed his suspicions of Grant.
Last of all came a little hump-backed, wizened old man in whom she recognized with a shudder the new Grand Vizier and her own betrothed husband, Ahoshta Tarkaan himself.
He would only agree to be grand vizier in 1656 at the age of 71 if he was given complete authority.
"And to think," said Lasaraleen, almost crying, "that if only you had sense you could be the wife of a Grand Vizier!"
"And to think," said Lasaraleen, almost crying, "that if only you had sense you could be the wife of a Grand Vizier!"