When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.
And the grasshopper but and ants on the contrary, he know only a waste of time, to a critical moment, he begged for others.
The ants look at the prosperity of grasshopper colonies and tell their bankers: "Lend even more to grasshoppers, since we ants do not want to borrow."
It is summer. The sun is shining brightly. It is very hot. The Grasshopper is lying under the shade and drinking a cold glass of lemonade. The Ants are busy doing something...
It is summer. The sun is shining brightly. It is very hot. The Grasshopper is lying under the shade and drinking a cold glass of lemonade. The Ants are busy doing something...